Monthly Archives: November 2012

Solidarity with Asian Workers

On Saturday another fire in a garment factory in Bangladesh killed 120 workers. (Workers in this factory often sew clothes for Walmart, where retail workers are also actively organizing.) Bangladeshi garment workers have some of the lowest wages in the … Continue reading

Posted in Asia, Gender, Immigration, Labor, Race | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

Marriage is still the wrong goal

Referendum measure 74 recently passed in Washington State by a slight margin.  Huge amounts of money and resources were poured into the campaign, however, “[m]arriage still sucks. Its the wrong way to distribute health care, immigration status and care. Its not working for … Continue reading

Posted in What's up in Seattle | 5 Comments

Abolish White Schools. Abolish Wealthy Schools. Quality Learning for All!

This call was put out by a group of parents, teachers, and community members, including one member of BOC: Abolish White Schools.  Abolish Wealthy Schools.  Quality Learning for All! Please join a kickoff/planning meeting to brainstorm the creation of a new group focused … Continue reading

Posted in Education struggles, Organizational Practice, Race, What's up in Seattle, Youth | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

Nov 18th Seattle Release Party of LIES: a journal of materialist feminism

Join us and our friends for a reading and discussion of LIES, a journal of materialist feminism on Sunday, Nov 18th 6pm at Black Coffee Co-op. You can join the facebook group here.  Some contributors to the journal will be … Continue reading

Posted in Communism, Fundraising, Gender, Theory, What's up in Seattle | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Revolution Has Come! New Rap and Video

My friends Rebel Diaz (NYC!) just came out with this new rap and video. Check them out they great music and do amazing work in their community. Take a look at their community center here (   “Our vision is … Continue reading

Posted in Immigration, popular culture, Race, Strategy and Tactics, Theory, Youth | Leave a comment

Solidarity With Grand Jury Resisters: Federal Courthouse November 7th

Another person, Maddy Pfeiffer, from Olympia has been subpoenaed to the grand jury which has been going on in Seattle for the past few months. They are resisting and will not testify. Please come to the support rally on the … Continue reading

Posted in What's up in Seattle, Youth | Leave a comment