Monthly Archives: October 2011

How Culture Should be Used:Introducing Hip Hop Occupies.

What comes first; the movement or the music? After hours of debates with friends about the relationship between culture and struggle I’ve come to the conclusion that culture is a reflection of the reality people live in for better or … Continue reading

Posted in Race, Strategy and Tactics, What's up in Seattle | Leave a comment

Queer Liberation and Class Struggle at Decolonize/Occupy Seattle

My friend RGB and I are organizing a series called “Queer Liberation and Class Struggle” at Decolonize/Occupy Seattle. The upcoming session is Tues on Nov 1st at 4pm. We will be selected sections from Marx’s Alienated Labor and discussing it … Continue reading

Posted in Gender, Labor, Theory, What's up in Seattle | Tagged , , , , , | 3 Comments

Rise and Decolonize: Let’s Get Free! Nov 18th

National-Call-to-Action: Rise & Decolonize! Let’s Get Free Rally DOWNTOWN SEATTLE – WESTLAKE CENTER Seattle, WA, Friday, November 18, 2011 at 5:00pm – In solidarity with All Peoples Revolutionary Front and the POC Caucus of Occupy Seattle, Hip Hop Occupies organizes a … Continue reading

Posted in Colonialism, Race, What's up in Seattle | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Perspectives on Occupy Atlanta from Revolutionary Voices

A comrade in Unity and Struggle wrote an important piece on race and why it’s important for revolutionaries to engage in the Occupy movement.  We’re reposting the beginning of it here for the value it lends to the discussion on … Continue reading

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Loren Goldner and Darryl Mitchell talks available online

This past month, BOC co-hosted 2 amazing speakers who both discussed the crisis of Capitalism within this period. It has helped us understand our engagement within the Decolonize/Occupy movement in Seattle. Thanks to our friend J, these videos are available … Continue reading

Posted in Theory, What's up in Seattle | 1 Comment

Why we didn’t let Larry Gossett speak at Decolonize/Occupy Seattle

Editors Note 1/18/2012: Our critiques are specific to the actions of Mr. Bocanegra, not of El Comite, an organization he is a member of. We specifically critique not only Mr. Bocanegra’s sexist and ageist behavior, but more significantly in this … Continue reading

Posted in Race, What's up in Seattle | Tagged , , | 21 Comments

Solidarity from Cairo

We are reposting this from In Front and Center blog. * Letter of solidarity to OWS from Tahrir Editor’s note: We are sharing and re-printing this statement of solidarity written by activists in Cairo, as we think it is crucial to acknowledge … Continue reading

Posted in Middle East, Strategy and Tactics, What's up in Seattle | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment