Common FAQs

I can’t login

I was suspended

I was hacked

I am being impersonated

I think someone is stealing my content

I am being spammed

I want to delete my account


I can’t login

How do I login through Twitter?

You can sign in to your Vine account by tapping the “Sign in with Twitter” link and choosing the Twitter account you used to sign up for Vine. If you signed up using Twitter, you do not have a unique password for Vine.

Attempting to sign in using an email address and password will result in an error. Once you have signed in via Twitter, you can add an email address to your Vine account as a backup. After that, you can tap the reset password option in your profile settings to create a password for your Vine account.

I deleted my Twitter Account.

Unfortunately, if you did not attach an email address to your Vine account before deleting your Twitter, we cannot verify you as the owner of your account and will be unable to give you access or delete your account. However, if you would like the account to be permanently suspended, please file a ticket here.

I forgot my email address/password.

If you forgot your password, try to reset it. On, click the “reset password” link to trigger an email that will allow you to reset your password. If you don’t remember what email you used, please contact Vine Support here.

How do I reset my password?

Click the “Forgot your password?” button at login. You must have an email address associated with your account in order to reset your password. You will get an error if you do not have an email address and attempt to reset your password.

If you still have access to your account, you can change the password on your Vine account by navigating to your profile and selecting “Settings”. From there, you can tap the “Reset password” button.

If you are not receiving your password reset emails make sure the email address on your account is correct and contains no typos. You can view what email address is associated with your account on your “Settings” page.

I was suspended

Accounts are suspended for posting spammy, abusive, and graphic content. For an in depth look at what constitutes a suspension, please visit the Vine Rules and Terms of Service. Note: Posting or curating explicit sexual content is not permitted on Vine. If your account contains explicit sexual content, your account will not be returned. You can find more information on explicit sexual content here.

I was hacked

Please make sure you are logging in with the correct email or Twitter account. If you believe your email was changed without your permission, please log back into your account and revert any changes. Once you’ve done so, please also update your password.

If you are sharing your account between multiple users, we will be unable to return your account to you. Vine does not endorse the selling or purchase of accounts and will not intervene in those matters.

I’m being impersonated

As stated in the Vine Rules, using your account to impersonate others is prohibited. In other words, don’t create a Vine account that might confuse users into thinking it officially represents a person, business, or other organization when it doesn’t. Accounts found to be in violation of our impersonation guidelines may be permanently suspended. Please be aware that you cannot report impersonation for others.

Parody, commentary, and fan accounts are permitted on the Vine platform. In order to ensure that users are aware that your account is a parody, commentary or fan account, please identify it as such in the following areas:

Avatar: The avatar should not be the exact trademark or logo of the account subject, or portray another person in a confusing or deceptive manner.

Username: The name should not be the exact name of the account subject without some other distinguishing word, such as “not,” “fake,” or “fan.“

Description: The description should include a statement to distinguish it from the account subject, such as “This is a parody,” “This is a fan page,” “Parody Account,” “Fan Account,” “Role-playing Account,” or “This is not affiliated with…”

Please note that your account must be fully compliant with the Vine Rules and Terms of Service in addition to meeting these requirements.

If you discover an account that you think is impersonating you or your organization, please report it by contacting Vine Support. Please note that we require the individual or organization directly involved or someone legally authorized to act on their behalf to report the issue.

Our team will investigate the issue and let you know whether the account violates our policies. Keep in mind that we rarely remove accounts with the same name but no other commonalities with you or your organization.

I think someone is stealing my content

Someone copied my post on Vine. What do I do?

You can submit a DMCA takedown request via our DMCA form seeking the removal of infringing use of copyrighted content.  See our Copyright and DMCA Policy for more information.

Someone copied my Vine post on another site. What do I do?

Twitter is unable to control the contents of third-party websites. You will need to contact the owners of the site in question to request removal.

I want to use someone else’s Vine post. Can you give me permission?

It’s okay to Revine or Tweet any non-protected Vine post. If you want to incorporate someone else’s Vine post in a new post on Vine or elsewhere, you may need to get permission from the poster first.

I want to use someone else’s copyrighted work in my Vine post.

Unless the use you’re considering could be protected by fair use or similar concepts, you may need to get permission from the copyright owner first.

Are Vine posts copyrightable?

Yes! As long as the post is original and creative, it is subject to the same protections as any audiovisual work. For more information regarding your rights on Vine see the Vine Terms of Service.

I am being spammed

When you encounter an account you think is spam, please feel free to report it as spam from the user’s profile page. Just tap the three dot icon located at the top right top right to Report.

This action may not immediately or definitely cause an account to be suspended, but we do combine reports from users with other spam signals and automatically monitor these reports for patterns of abuse. For more information about the criteria we use to evaluate accounts for spam and abuse please visit our rules page.

I want to delete my account

If you cannot login to your account to delete it, please see the “I can’t login” section.


From your profile:

Tap Settings.

Select Your content.

Tap Deactivate account located at the bottom of the page.


From your profile:

Tap on your profile picture which will bring you to your settings

Scroll down to the bottom and tap Deactivate account


Under settings, select “Your Content.” You should see a Deactivate Your Account option at the bottom of the screen.

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