Резултати претраге
  1. While drags all but the 1% into poverty, I am reminded of the words of Gough Whitlam.

  2. So it seems is on fire this week!

  3. There is a growing perception that Turnbull is losing control of his party room. Again.

  4. '000's job cut. Old IT. No pay rise for 3 years. & a govt that doesn't value the work. Shame on Turnbull.

  5. Liberal candidate identifies as woman in order to win position / Hahaaaa they do not like it when others try to play by their rules.

  6. If countries are judged by their treatment of the vulnerable, you're screwed Australia!!

  7. Wtf is this guy on ..how to look stupid and lose votes

  8. What a week. This government goes from bad to worse.

    This government goes from bad to worse.
  9. Chris Uhlmann acknowledges the coalition's special talent. 'LNP takes aim at Labor and ends up blowing their own brains out' 😂😂

  10. The disgraceful reality is Libs would be happy giving every Australian a gun if it meant killing off unions!

  11. ABS reports 53,000 full time jobs lost in Sept. 112,000 full time jobs lost this year! where is the Jobs & Growth?

  12. There's a lot going on in this David Pope cartoon.

  13. YET AGAIN the Coalition are attacking the integrity of . So yet again I say . RT if you agree

  14. Chief scientist Dr Alan Finkel science-splained climate change to climate-denier Malcolm Roberts

  15. I wouldn't be surprised if 5 very wealthy Aussies are profiting from information shared by a former minister. Too many ducks line up.

  16. who won question time today .? , who's leadership is safe?

  17. "RIP HIM A NEW ONE" Dep Oppn leader thought one of 's was a bit off colour

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