The phone, left, after being discovered in a case, and right, after being turned back on. Picture: Facebook
media_cameraThe phone, left, after being discovered in a case, and right, after being turned back on. Picture: Facebook

Man finds iPhone 4 in frozen lake more than a year after it was dropped

A FISHERMAN who dropped his iPhone in a frozen US lake has been reunited with it 18 months later. But does it work properly?

According to The Sun, Michael Guntrum was fishing last year in his hometown of Knox, Pennsylvania, when the phone fell through the tiny hole in the ice.

In a Facebook post in March 2015, he wrote: “Lost my phone today. so if you want me to have your # send it to me.

“Long story short. Ice fishing,+ hole in ice = iPhone at bottom of lake.”

Guntrum must have thought he would never see his phone again – but he’d be wrong.

Speaking to BuzzFeed News, he said: “We were having negative-25-degree weather, so me and two buddies went ice fishing.

“We were sitting in our portable shanty, and I got a bite on my rod. I laid the phone on my lap, and it slipped off.

media_cameraMichael Guntrum was reunited with his iPhone 18 months later. Picture: Facebook

“Instead of landing flat in the snow, it hit its edge and rolled into the hole. I caught the fish – it was a blue gill – but it wasn’t worth it.”

However he got lucky, when the same lake was drained and local engineer Daniel Kalgren came across it while exploring the area with a metal detector.

Kalgren took the phone home, put it in some rice, and waited for it to defrost.

The engineer was amazed to find that the iPhone 4 not only turned back on, but also was in full working order.

He even managed to retrieve the phone number of the phone’s owner, and got in touch.

Days later, Mr Guntrum was reunited with his old phone.

An Apple spokesperson said: “It never ceases to amaze us, all the incredible iPhone survival stories our customers have shared with us.”

media_cameraKyle Lake was frozen at the time of the loss. Picture: Supplied.

Originally published as iPhone’s incredible survival story