Located in the Large Magellanic Cloud, one of our neighbouring dwarf galaxies, this young globular-like star cluster is surrounded by a pattern of filamentary nebulosity that is thought to have been created during supernova blasts. It consists of a main globular cluster in the centre and a younger, smaller cluster, seen below and to the right, composed of extremely hot, blue stars and fainter, red T-Tauri stars. This wide variety of stars allows a thorough study of star formation processes.

Scientist: Aliens are all around us

MIND-BOGGLING theory suggests hyper-intelligent life controls mysterious phenomena like dark matter.

Girl wins right to be frozen

Girl wins right to be frozen
SHE was dying from cancer and wanted another chance at life. So this 14-year-old did what very few teenagers would even consider doing.

Astronaut warns of aliens before suicide attempt

Astronaut warns of aliens before suicide attempt
A SHOCKING video claims France’s first female astronaut screamed “Earth must be warned!” before she attempted suicide.

The cutest thing you’ll see today

The cutest thing you’ll see today
THE photographer had to trek across snow and ice to get up close to his subject. But the result was worth the wait and is captivating the world.

Evidence Pluto has huge hidden ocean

Evidence Pluto has huge hidden ocean
FRESH research shows Pluto likely has a giant ocean hidden beneath its surface, holding as much water as all Earth’s seas. Here’s what that means for science.

China takes the lead in CRISPR race

China takes the lead in CRISPR race
THE first human trials of groundbreaking CRISPR technology could spark “a biomedical duel” between China and the US, scientist warn.

‘We must escape planet Earth’

‘We must escape planet Earth’
HUMANS have less than 1000 years to find a new planet to inhabit or we will face the very real threat of mass extinction.

Concept suit for Mars explorers

Concept suit for Mars explorers
IF WE do get to Mars, we’re gonna need some serious protective gear and Dutch company Mars One thinks it has the answer.

What the supermoon totally ruined

What the supermoon totally ruined
WHILE astronomy enthusiasts took to the best vantage points to catch a glimpse of the largest moon in 69 years, others just wanted more of this.

First look inside Mars ‘bullseye’

First look inside Mars ‘bullseye’
SCIENTISTS have deep-dived inside two huge Martian craters they say hold the key to discovering signs of life there.

Millennia-old mummy uncovered

Millennia-old mummy uncovered
ARCHAEOLOGISTS have discovered the well-preserved body of a 3200-year-old nobleman inside a brightly painted sarcophagus in Egypt.

Worst superbug gene may be inbound

Worst superbug gene may be inbound
THE world’s most dangerous strain of bacteria found in superbugs could be en route to Australia and transmitted through touch.

Bright lights in sky during NZ quake

Bright lights in sky during NZ quake
AS RESIDENTS braved a 7.5 magnitude earthquake, some noticed a strange light in the sky. They were witnessing a rare phenomenon.

Supermoon? It’s just lunacy

Supermoon? It’s just lunacy
CAUGHT up by the supermoon hype? You’ve been conned. But make sure you enjoy the sight anyway. It’s certainly going to be magic.

Where to see tonight’s supermoon in all its glory

Where to see tonight’s supermoon in all its glory
ACROSS Australia people will be flocking to skyscrapers and beaches in the hope of getting a glimpse of the supermoon.

ISIS ‘bulldozed’ ancient Mosul ziggurat

ISIS ‘bulldozed’ ancient Mosul ziggurat
IRAQ says its forces have captured the ancient ruins of Nimrud alongside the Islamic State stronghold of Mosul. But its famous ziggurat appears to have been bulldozed flat.

Building the Buzz for Mars

Building the Buzz for Mars
RADIATION sickness. Brittle bones. Alzheimers. None of these will deter explorers in their quest to establish a foothold on Mars, says Apollo 11 hero Buzz Aldrin.

Strap yourself in. We’re off to Mars

Strap yourself in. We’re off to Mars
IT’S the greatest challenge mankind has ever undertaken, but a human expedition to Mars is looking less science fiction and more science fact.

‘The universe is tearing itself apart’

‘The universe is tearing itself apart’
THE universe is set to be destroyed in a “big rip” which will suck the whole of reality into a dreadful nightmarish vortex of nothingness.

Is this the world’s dumbest selfie?

Is this the world’s dumbest selfie?
CHECK out these toothy grins as thrillseeking tourists grab some selfies with huge great white sharks in Port Lincoln, South Australia.

‘Atlantis’ killer eruption explained

‘Atlantis’ killer eruption explained
WHEN a volcano erupted in 1650BC, it blasted a city to oblivion — sparking the myth of Atlantis. New evidence shows how it also unleashed tsunamis across the Mediterranean.

What life on Mars will look like

What life on Mars will look like
THE first ever Mars show home opened in London today — giving a glimpse of how colonisers might live on the Red Planet less than two decades from now.

Man’s hour long fight with goat

Man’s hour long fight with goat
A MAN has been taken to hospital with dehydration after being attacked by a goat for about an hour at a Queensland property.

Monster shark ‘an unofficial record’

Monster shark ‘an unofficial record’
A MONSTER hammerhead caught by a couple mates off a beach in Western Australia could be an unofficial record.

Get ready for the supermoon

Get ready for the supermoon
THIS lunar event hasn’t happened for 68 years and it’s been blamed for everything from earthquakes to political catastrophes.

We could see space phenomenon tonight

We could see space phenomenon tonight
A PHENOMENAL space event is headed for earth and could erupt and be seen by people in Australia tonight.

How dark matter killed off the dinosaurs

How dark matter killed off the dinosaurs
FROM extra dimensions to comet-slinging disks of dark matter. It’s no wonder Dr Lisa Randall has been dubbed “America’s superstar scientist”.

Man accidentally finds lost nuke

Man accidentally finds lost nuke
HE WENT diving for sea cucumbers but a Canadian man claims he has stumbled across a US nuclear weapon missing for 65 years.

Has NASA created warp drive?

Has NASA created warp drive?
THE results of a NASA test into “warp drive” technology were leaked on the internet, before being quickly removed by the space agency.

‘It swung me back and forth like a dog’

‘It swung me back and forth like a dog’
A SURFER has returned to the water with a prosthetic replacement just weeks after a tiger shark ripped off his left leg.