Brunswick East homes evacuated after major gas leak

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This was published 5 years ago

Brunswick East homes evacuated after major gas leak

By Aisha Dow

Homes in Brunswick East were evacuated for five hours following a major gas leak on Thursday, with road closures "wreaking havoc" in area.

Excavation equipment being operated by contractors in Roberts Street ruptured a high-pressure gas main at about 3.30pm.

Emergency services at the scene of a gas leak in Brunswick East.

Emergency services at the scene of a gas leak in Brunswick East.

Police and firefighters had to go from door to door to evacuate people in the immediate vicinity of Roberts and Blyth streets.

One local resident said the road closures were "wreaking a bit of havoc" as people tried to get home.

"A worker on the scene said they were removing a power pole outside a home and they drilled too far down to get through the bedrock and they hit a gas main," she said.

Fire crews wearing breathing apparatuses dispersed the gas cloud as repair crews worked to fix the leak.

Residents were allowed to return to their homes at about 8pm.

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