
We are the Queer Liberation Front.

Our Statement of Principles:
1. We are a revolutionary anti-capitalist group for queer youth. This means we believe the only way to achieve true liberation for all peoples is through the overthrowing of the capitalist system.
2. As queers, we will fight to overthrow the oppression of our community and the marginalisation of our people. We resist attempts to "integrate" ourselves into heteronormative society. We aim for the liberation of the ...queer community and the establishing of a society with full freedom of love, expression and way of life.
3. We do not tolerate oppression of peoples based on race, age, ability, sex, gender, sexuality, income, etc. As such, we support struggles against oppression across all of society and stand in solidarity with the oppressed everywhere.
4. We envision a world without borders and affirm that no one is illegal. We support refugees and asylum seekers being processed and settled in the community without any (onshore or offshore) detention.
5. We support direct democracy, community control and participation in social life. We seek to model this belief through our practice.
6. We recognise that so-called Australia is illegally occupied, invaded land and that sovereignty never ceded. We support the struggle for land rights, social justice and decolonisation for indigenous people.
7. We are an anti-imperialist and anti-fascist grouping. We oppose the system of carceral capitalism, the prison industrial complex, the war on drugs, criminalisation of sex workers, the police state and imperial military and economic domination of the Global South.
8. We support the struggle of working people through unionism and industrial, community and social strikes. We encourage queer youth to support their unions and for industrial struggles to have queer people on the frontlines.

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Bild könnte enthalten: Text
Bild könnte enthalten: eine oder mehrere Personen, Personen, die stehen, Nacht, Himmel und im Freien
Bild könnte enthalten: eine oder mehrere Personen, Personen, die stehen und im Freien
Bild könnte enthalten: Himmel und im Freien
Pink Bloc So-Called Melbourne

Some photos from last night's LGBTIQA+ community and accomplices protest against the Quentin Van Meter hate-speech event and transphobic book launch that was ho...sted by the reactionary right-wing Australian Families Association at St Francis Xavier’s Parish Hall in Box Hill. We should have a report-back from some comrades who managed to get inside the event and disrupt proceedings later today.

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