Queer Kids for Full Communism: Living the Dream with the Queer Liberation Front

In this episode of Living the Dream Dave (@withsobersenses) chats with Angus from the Queer Liberation Front. Angus lets us know what QLF are all about, what they have been doing and what they are up to. Angus talks about QLF’s praxis and how this collective of young queer pe14375370_10208731933554219_631909041_oople are attempting to generate a radical anticapitalist politics, how hegemony and aesthetics fit together and how this all relates to the current “Brisbane Moment’ that is going on. And then we finish it all off with a track from Los Crudos.

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One thought on “Queer Kids for Full Communism: Living the Dream with the Queer Liberation Front

  1. I haven’t quite finished listening but really enjoyed the discussion, especially the parts about hegemony – but def over all very thought provoking. At risk of merely wheeling out a hobby horse, though, I was struck by the youth-specificity of the QLF, which seemed like it may reflect the general youth-worshipping tendencies of gay and queer scenes. I would love to hear more about why the QLF decided on a specifically youth focus and how they see that reinforcing and/or resisting forms of ageism and generationalism in the queer scene?

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