The Pinery fire tore through 85,000 hectares, destroying 91 homes and claiming the lives of two people on November 25 last year.

Editorial: Stark reminder of Mother Nature’s fury

AS SA braces for the menace of summer bushfires, the first anniversary of the Pinery bushfire is a stark reminder of the fury mustered by these infernos.

Letters to the editor, Saturday November 18

Letters to the editor, Saturday November 18
Today’s letters examine the crisis in the SA country hospital system, toxin risk in blood donors and the sorry state of the Australian cricket team.

Far more important opportunities to pursue

Far more important opportunities to pursue
The Liberals are united in their decision to oppose a nuclear waste industry but the Weatherill Labor Government is not, writes Steven Marshall.

The scary new Schoolies trend

The scary new Schoolies trend
Sex, booze and drugs have long been a danger for Schoolies. But now the skolling games have been replaced with a new amusement — and another worry for parents.

Could you cope without the internet?

Could you cope without the internet?
LOSING access to the internet these days feels like being thrown into solitary confinement. How did we become so dependent on the online world, asks Tom Elliott.

Raise a glass at Meat Candy

Raise a glass at Meat Candy
WHILE Meat Candy’s Nashville-style fried chicken has (rightfully) commanded plenty of attention, it’s not the only aspect of the restaurant worthy of praise.

WA must embrace hi-tech ‘new health’

WA must embrace hi-tech ‘new health’
IT’S time WA’s patients enjoyed the benefits of a health system that embraces more innovation and technology.

Forget Sydney or Melbourne — This is the best place to live

Forget Sydney or Melbourne — This is the best place to live
As hard as we’ve tried to keep it secret, those of us who choose to call this slice of paradise home realise it comes at a price. More and more people are moving in.

Parenting is not a popularity contest

Parenting is not a popularity contest
CHILDREN sacking their parents need to be reminded about boundaries — and responsibilities, writes Dale West.

Let’s not reward spineless opportunism

Let’s not reward spineless opportunism
NO matter what you think on the subject of nuclear waste, it was a brave move to put the issue on the agenda, writes Patrick Conlon.

Stress less over life’s tests

Stress less over life’s tests
SOME advice to remember: You’ll notice, as you get older, Year 12 students, that hardly anyone actually cares what your ATAR score is.

The invisible people who shape our kids

The invisible people who shape our kids
​​KYLIE LANG: When news broke that one in four Queensland childcare operators was failing to meet national quality standards, it was the frontline workers, yet again, who came under fire. This is just not fair.

Nothing cool about being called elite

Nothing cool about being called elite
THE word “elite” is undergoing a complex transformation. It’s becoming quite the dirty epithet, writes Tory Shepherd.

Give terminally ill the right to choose

Give terminally ill the right to choose
TERMINALLY ill South Australians deserve more than being left to die in agonising, debilitating pain, writes Roger Hunt.

Why Clint was dirty at Hillary

Why Clint was dirty at Hillary
OPINION: Clint Eastwood famously chastised Barack Obama’s “empty chair” at a Republican convention. But it was a character he played that best personifies the disaffected Donald Trump voter.

Weatherill needs to dump nuke plan

Weatherill needs to dump nuke plan
JAY Weatherill seems willing to commit political suicide with his push to turn South Australia into the world’s nuclear waste dump, writes Jim Green.

Eating Out: Bloody big bite of French sophistication

Eating Out: Bloody big bite of French sophistication
BLOODY French at Subiaco offers affordable, semi-traditional and creative French food in a convivial, if noisy, setting.

Have they wrecked the races? You bet

Have they wrecked the races? You bet
ONE of my earliest memories of The Sunday Times was the turns-and-finishes photos of the previous day’s Perth races.

Why I always order beef yuki noodle

Why I always order beef yuki noodle
I’m a creature of habit. Some people would call me boring. OK, most people. I think of it as reliable. In a world filled with chaos, it’s good to cling to the things we can control.

I am voter, hear me roar because I’ve had enough

I am voter, hear me roar because I’ve had enough
There is no direct link between Britain’s Brexit vote, the election of Donald Trump in the US and the downturn in fortunes for Mike Baird’s Coalition government. But there certainly is a factor common to all three events.

Like or lump Trump: That’s democracy

Like or lump Trump: That’s democracy
OPINION: Only a quarter of Americans might have voted for him, but the election of Donald Trump is president must be respected.

Hospital’s ills in need of an urgent cure

Hospital’s ills in need of an urgent cure
NONE of the reported defects of the new Royal Adelaide Hospital should be beyond resolution, writes Brendan Lyon.

Poll axed by voter no-shows

Poll axed by voter no-shows
WITH few exceptions, commentators and pollsters expected Hillary Clinton to defeat Donald Trump. It didn’t happen, which begs the question why?

Let the President Trump show begin

Let the President Trump show begin
Like the reality star he is, Trump refused to work to a script, making off-the-cuff statements and outrageous claims. It was shocking, and great, television.

Gable Tostee has the right to have his say

Gable Tostee has the right to have his say
BEFORE a single frame of the full story has been broadcast, the knee-jerkers and the ignorant have been lining up to decry the rights of Gable Tostee to have his say.

Take That and Trump: Why we’ll never trust polls again

Take That and Trump: Why we’ll never trust polls again
Trump and Take That prove we should never rely on opinion polls, writes Miranda Devine. It’s back to respecting judgment, gut feeling and courage.

All hail Trump! Rescuer of Western civilisation

All hail Trump! Rescuer of Western civilisation
Trump’s victory signals something more serious than the neuroses of limp Leftists, writes Miranda Devine. Ignore the ‘forgotten men and women’ at your peril.

Wake up, Australia. Feminism is a voter turn-off

Wake up, Australia. Feminism is a voter turn-off
The millions of women who rejected victim feminism and voted Trump confirm they have more important concerns than breaking glass ceilings, writes Miranda Devine.

Let’s hope Trump the father prevails

Let’s hope Trump the father prevails
UNTIL now, I knew Donald Trump as the billionaire with bad hair who delivered the famous line “you’re fired” on the TV reality show The Apprentice.

We must learn from Nikki’s death

We must learn from Nikki’s death
NIKKI Francis-Coslovich was failed by those who were supposed to care for her and we must learn from the tragedy so it doesn’t happen again, writes Katie Bice.