Tag Archives: PKK

Theresa May prefers refugees are out of sight, out of mind: try explaining that to the Yazidis

Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron described Britain as “mean” for the attitude it displays to refugees. There are many Britons who would welcome refugees, and Farron was no doubt referring to a certain type of British citizen (either conservative or chauvinist) rather … Continue reading

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Cizre massacre of 60 Kurds ascribed to ‘war alliance’ including ‘deep state’ Ergenekon

Turkish state forces are implementing an all-out media blackout across the town of Cizre in the wake of yesterday’s offensive by Turkish forces on two buildings where wounded people had taken shelter and were trapped as a result of artillery … Continue reading

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Kurd/Yezidi forces liberate Sinjar from ISIS: reports/photos/video

At 10 am today, Friday, the joint forces of the Kurdish resistance announced they had liberated Sinjar (Shengal) province from ISIS. Yesterday the anarchist YPJ/YPG/ PKK forces and the US/Iranian backed Kurdish Peshmerga advanced towards the city of Shengal and … Continue reading

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Rojava: the real frontline against ISIS; inside the Kurdish revolution

Since their successful defense of Kobanê against the Islamic State a year ago, the Kurdish resistance movement – specifically the YPG (men’s milita) and YPJ (women’s militia) – has captured international media attention. Meanwhile, their experiment in forming a stateless … Continue reading

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The social revolutionary thread that links the Zapatistas of Mexico & the Kurds of Rojava

A gathering of Zapatista women Despite being continents apart, the struggles of the Kurds and Zapatistas share a common purpose – to resist capitalism, liberate women and build autonomy – and a common ideology. We have extensively covered what is … Continue reading

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From genocide to resistance: Yezidi women fight back

  Having suffered a traumatic genocide, Yazidi women on Mount Sinjar are now mobilising against ISIS… The old Kurdish saying “We have no friends but the mountains” became more relevant than ever when on Aug. 3, 2014, the murderous Islamic … Continue reading

Posted in Refugees, Resistance | Tagged , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Kurd village bombed – not by ISIS, but Turkey

The Kurdish village of Zargali (Zargale or Zergale) in north Iraq was bombed earlier today – not by ISIS, but by Turkey. At least 9 people – all civilians – are confirmed dead and 18 injured. Zargali village is in … Continue reading

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