Tag Archives: France

Le nouveau Situationiste: l’esprit post-capitaliste de ’68 revient à la France

The period of unrest in France during May 1968 saw massive demonstrations and two weeks of general strikes across all regions of the country, universities were occupiesd and workers did the same in the factories. The entire economy of France … Continue reading

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From the Aegean to the English Channel – the refugees who are Europe’s shame

This weekend hundreds of  thousands of people demonstrated in cities across Europe to demand #SafePassage for the hundreds of thousands of refugees from war zones still trying to cross Europe to safety. But in the last few days middle Europe … Continue reading

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3000 – mostly Kurds – abandoned by Dunkirk beaches. Where’s the flotilla?

It takes courage for the Kurds – attacked on all sides for centuries – to fight the war against an enemy like ISIS. It is the same courage that is needed to uproot your family and travel from a war-torn … Continue reading

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Tarnac: more evidence re UK spycops’ role – grounds to drop charges, extend Pitchford

More evidence has been found regarding instructions given to undercover  police officer Mark Kennedy by his spycop supervisors to infiltrate a group of French environmental protesters, subsequently dubbed the ‘Tarnac 9’. A week ago we published an extract from Kennedy’s police … Continue reading

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Anonymous warned intelligence services of threatened ISIS attacks for November 22nd

Anonymous has issued a statement saying that it has warned MI5, the CIA, the FBI and the Australian Government of possible multiple attacks by ISIS or ISIS supporters, scheduled for this Sunday, 22 November. The information Anonymous has acquired specifies … Continue reading

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The curious case of the UK spycop, the (French) ‘Invisible Committee’ and the FBI

The dead hand of notorious UK spycop Mark Kennedy has reached out once again – this time in France, where a major trial involving a so-called ‘metaphysical anarchist’ cell saw the most serious charge – terrorism – dismissed. In a … Continue reading

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