Tag Archives: Chelsea Manning

Chelsea Manning appeals for help, begins indefinite hunger strike

Today, after years of requesting the care she needs for gender dysphoria, Chelsea Manning has released a statement about the start of her hunger strike. Chelsea is demanding written assurances from the Army she will receive all of the medically … Continue reading

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Chelsea Manning punished: ‘years added’ to custody; time for Nobel laureates to intervene

Chelsea Manning, a Guardian columnist/journalist* who is serving 35 years in prison for exposing war crimes, is currently the target of what can only be described as psychological operations by US Army prison authorities. Specifically, Manning was threatened with indefinite … Continue reading

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Chelsea Manning reminds us that media share the consequences of her leaks

In an article published in today’s Guardian the jailed whistleblower Chelsea (formerly Bradley) Manning reminded us that the media outlets that collaborated in the publishing of intelligence she leaked were, according to the US Government via its representatives at her … Continue reading

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Chelsea Manning: media and ‘celebrities’ pivotal to legal appeal/funds and pardon

Chelsea (formerly Bradley) Manning – the whistleblower who leaked details of US war crimes and, despite massive global support, was sentenced to an outrageous 35 years imprisonment – is lodging an appeal against conviction and jail sentence on several grounds. … Continue reading

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Chelsea Manning: international legal challenges to verdicts/sentence explored

The publication at the end of last year of the US Senate report into CIA torture provides an opportunity for the international community to directly intervene in the fate of the person who might well be described as the catalyst … Continue reading

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Which is more reprehensible: censorship of a movie, or censorship of US war crimes?

We live in surreal times. In the same week that saw the publication of the heavily-redacted US Senate report into CIA torture; the refusal by the British Government that it knew about US renditions flights using UK territory; and the … Continue reading

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Chelsea Manning: presidential pardon imperative in wake of CIA torture report

In a country where irony is allegedly uncommon the US Government, or at least its legal system, is responsible for one of the more profound examples in that the person who was probably the catalyst for the inquiry (and subsequent … Continue reading

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