Category Archives: Intelligence

When the UK’s ‘anti-extremism’ policy is to lie, with the help of secretive corporations

A government campaign to counter extremism seems to have been engaging in secretive and deceitful activities. And in the process, it has got involved with some very unsavoury figures.   A 2011 report by PR firm Bell Pottinger and the Royal Institute of International Affairs (or Chatham … Continue reading

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The link between UK activist, cyber ‘warheads’ & US Secret Service – Part Two

  British computer scientist and activist Lauri Love is a victim of prosecutional overreach by the USA. This process consists of multiple charges being thrown at a defendant to force them to agree to a plea bargain in the hope of avoiding a … Continue reading

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99 years jail threatened for “prankery”: Lauri Love (and the Aaron Swartz story) – Part One

  If Washington DC has its way a British citizen with Asperger’s Syndrome will be extradited to the US for a ‘prank’. This could see him face 99 years in prison. Lauri Love is a computer scientist who advises on computer security. He is … Continue reading

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Loyalty or flawed judgement? Keith Vaz and the Janner child sex abuse investigation

There is a fine line between loyalty to a friend and colleague and poor judgement. Keith Vaz, the Labour MP for Leicester East, bound himself to the fate of the late Lord Janner when in 1991 he made a strong … Continue reading

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Lists of UCOs and their supervisors

To see the article – “New revelations show just how nervous the police are about the undercover policing inquiry” – that accompanies this list, click here. To see a covering letter to the Pitcford Inquiry by D.S. Neil Hutchison re … Continue reading

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Chelsea Manning appeals for help, begins indefinite hunger strike

Today, after years of requesting the care she needs for gender dysphoria, Chelsea Manning has released a statement about the start of her hunger strike. Chelsea is demanding written assurances from the Army she will receive all of the medically … Continue reading

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The military intelligence ‘whistleblower’ who trades on your (lack of) privacy

Beyond the dark arts of GCHQ an increasing number of government agencies and statutory authorities have been gifted with data-matching and communication data-gathering mechanisms via existing legislation (including RIPA). Now, there looms the Investigatory Powers bill, otherwise known as the ‘Snoopers’ … Continue reading

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