Meet the woman who heads the army that intends to send ISIS to hell


The main assault on the Daesh (Isis/Isil) capital of Raqqa is now underway. And women are at the forefront of the battle. Using the code-name “Wrath of the Euphrates”, the group leading the offensive is the SDF (Syrian Democratic Forces). And Commander Rojda Felat (the woman pictured above) is one of those leading the charge. Daesh fighters believe that if they die at the hands of a woman, they won’t go to heaven. So with Felat and other women on the frontlines in the battle for Raqqa, they’d better prepare for hell.

For more on this, click here.

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One Response to Meet the woman who heads the army that intends to send ISIS to hell

  1. Pingback: SDF Women aim to Send ISIS back to Hell in Raqqa | The Free

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