
Identity theft surges 80 per cent as cyber criminals target online data: Veda

Identity theft is the fastest-growing type of fraud and a growing source of losses for banks as cyber criminals target the vast array of personal information held online, a new report warns.

Veda, a credit information bureau, says there has been a surge in criminals stealing genuine identities and then using that information to apply for credit, most commonly for a credit card.

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Identity theft on the increase

Veda, credit information bureau, has produced a report finding cases of identity theft have risen 80 per cent compared to last year.

In the latest financial year, the number of "identity takeovers" reported leapt by 80 per cent, it says, making this the second most common type of attempted fraud, ranking only behind fraud based on false personal details.

The online revolution seems to be behind the surge, as identity theft goes "hand in hand" with online data breaches where private information is compromised, often because of hackers.

The jump has also occurred as more and more consumers embrace online shopping and digital banking, and businesses also become more reliant on the internet.

Veda's general manager for fraud and identity solutions, Imelda Newton, highlighted the growing shift towards online fraud. Fifty-seven per cent of fraudulent applications were made online in the six months to June, a rise from 45 per cent two years earlier.


"This trend is likely to continue into the future, as individuals and businesses become more reliant on the internet for their banking, shopping and other financial interactions," she said.

The report, based on Veda's database, said the number of fraudulent activities reported increased by a third in 2015-16.

While the report did not put a cost on what identify theft costs the banks, fraudulent payments cost the Australian banking industry $469 million last year, a 13 per cent rise, according to industry figures. A key reason for this increase was a lift in fraud where stolen card details are used online to make unauthorised transactions.

Veda's report said identity theft accounted for 19 per cent of total fraud applications, while falsifying personal data made up 71 per cent. Fraudsters using false personal data most commonly faked pay slips, tax assessments, and drivers' licences, the report said.

The products most commonly targeted for fraud were credit cards, which accounted for 46 per cent of the fraud reported by Veda. Personal loans, home loans, car loans and telecommunications products were the other key targets.

Aside from online fraud, 15 per cent of fraud occurred through a broker, and almost 13 per cent occurred in person at bank branches, it said.

Local banks regularly highlight their attempts to combat cyber crime, which is viewed as a key risk in the industry, and the financial regulator earlier this year said it would step up scrutiny of financial institutions and their ability to fend of cyber attacks.
