

The Nationals have too much influence over Malcolm Turnbull's government

Although the Nationals did somewhat better than expected, and relatively better than the Liberal Party, at the last election, they have been afforded a disproportionate influence in the Turnbull government, and particularly in its public profile.

They have been awarded the key "pork barrelling" portfolios, they have been allowed to run issues and speak out, inconsistent with cabinet decisions, even to the extent of being able to cross the floor or abstain in parliamentary votes where they disagree with the cabinet position.

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Barnaby has a fight on his hands

South Australian senators are angry about the recommendation to reduce the water recovery target in the Northern Basin and have told Barnaby Joyce they will fight for their State.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull just sits back and lets it happen, happy to have to attempt to "rationalise" the irrational.

In terms of the numbers, the Nats hold 16 of the government's 76 seats in the House (21 per cent) and six of the government's 30 senators. They have five spots in the 23-member cabinet (21.7 per cent), only one of seven in the outer ministry, but three of 12 (25 per cent) among the assistant ministers. Overall, they hold 10 of the 42 spots (almost 24 per cent) in the Turnbull ministry.

But their portfolios are Deputy Prime Minister, and ministries in agriculture, water, trade, infrastructure, tourism, transport, resources and Northern Australia, small business, regional development, regional communications, rural health, local government and territories. With the exception of Indigenous affairs, as noted, a pork barrelling delight.

Their leader, Barnaby Joyce, is in many respects a political accident waiting to happen, given his inclination to react and speak out on an event or issue well before he has thought about it. He is, of course, loved by most of the media for this, at times carrying the mantle of "the best retail politician in the country".


In recent days he most noticeably, as essentially still a climate denier, immediately bagged the renewables industry, blaming them for the recent power blackout in South Australia that was simply due to an extreme weather (cyclonic) event that knocked over that state's transmission system.

In a similar vein, Joyce had what Senator Nick Xenophon has described as a "brain fart", announcing a change in the Murray-Darling water buy backs just as the government was courting Xenophon's support for the ABCC and Registered Organisations legislation.

Joyce, obviously shaken by the unexpected success of Pauline Hanson at the last election in winning four Senate spots and now threatening to run a host of candidates in various elections across the country, has also made noises to suggest that the Nats need to respond, to her and Trump – nudge, nudge, wink, wink, they need to adopt more of a nationalistic, anti-immigration stance, at least behind the hand.

In recent days, we have also witnessed Nats senators refusing to support the government's shotgun import ban – Bridget McKenzie and John "Wacka" Williams crossed the floor, while Deputy Leader Fiona Nash and ministers Matt Canavan and Nigel Scullion broke with cabinet solidarity by abstaining. Turnbull was left floundering in the House, having to attempt to defend the indefensible.

In a similar vein, Nats whip George Christensen has been allowed to speak freely on a host of issues, even calling his own press conferences when he has effectively rolled the government in the joint party room.

One reason why the Nats have been allowed to run free at the federal level may be a recognition that they are rapidly losing their constituency, as evidenced most alarmingly in the recent loss of the NSW state seat of Orange on a massive swing – a seat they had held for 69 years.

So expect them to be even more opportunistic, populist and Trump-like on immigration, refugees and climate, though not on trade.

To pick one of these, climate, and at the risk of attempting to make a substantive policy point, I have been amazed that the Nats have been such deniers when their constituency stands to gain enormously if they were to be "activists" in support of a substantive response to the climate challenge.

Specifically, soil carbon is one of the most effective responses to climate. If farmers were to commit to improving the carbon content of their soils – by simple changes to farming techniques, and to use organic rather than chemical fertilisers etc – they could earn significant carbon credits, the sale of which, even if bought by the government, could provide a significant new source of annual income.

However, this would call for a clear recognition of our national interest, and for national leadership rather than the pursuit of narrow vested interests that is the hallmark of the current Nats.

Australia doesn't "owe them a living". Just like the rest of us, they need to earn it.

John Hewson is a professor at the Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU, and a former Liberal opposition leader.



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