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The danger signs multiply for Dan Andrews


Is he headed the way of Rudd, Gillard, Baillieu, Napthine and Abbott?

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Sky rail protesters' election threat over Vic government's plans

Angry protesters have taken their fight over the sky rail project to the Premier's office (Video courtesy Seven News Melbourne).

PT1M32S 620 349

"... how I came to enter, I cannot well say, being so full of sleep, whatever moment it was I began to blunder, off the true path." - The Inferno of Dante (translation by Robert Pinsky).

Daniel Andrews hasn't yet entered the gates of hell. Far from it. But like Dante – who would later enter a portal taking him through nine circles of suffering – the Premier looks to have stumbled into some "tangled and rough" woods. And like Dante he may well be wondering exactly how and when he came to blunder from the "true path".

For the past couple of months the state government has barely had a good day, let alone a good week. 

The anniversary of Andrews' November 27 election win seemed to mark something of a turning point. Indeed, for the past couple of months the state government has barely had a good day, let alone a good week.

Under pressure: Premier Daniel Andrews.

Under pressure: Premier Daniel Andrews. Photo: Justin McManus

In December the government was buffeted by a report from the state's Auditor-General finding Labor's decision to abandon the East West Link cost taxpayers more than $1.1 billion, "for little tangible benefit".

Then there were the continuing allegations of union malfeasance that forced former factional warlord Cesar Melhem's resignation as Labor's upper house Whip.

And just when things seemed to be calming down, the V/Line debacle forced one-quarter of the state's regional trains from the tracks because of concerns about excessive wheel wear and failed boom gate closures.

Kevin Rudd.

Kevin Rudd. Photo: Nic Walker

Meanwhile, negotiations with the opposition to sell the Port of Melbourne seem to have a ground to a standstill, bringing into doubt billions of dollars worth of funding for Labor's signature level-crossing removal program.

Then there was the sky rail public relations disaster, in which hundreds of angry locals were told on a Saturday night of a massive new rail viaduct just hours before it was made public in the media. The plan itself may represent a good solution to a difficult problem, but it was poorly handled.

The government has also been riven by damaging internal leaks. Most recently, for example, the Herald Sun reported on a dumped cabinet proposal for a new public sector watchdog to scrutinise state MPs and their taxpayer-funded staff.

Ted Baillieu.

Ted Baillieu. Photo: Paul Jeffers

When political cracks form they often start out as hairline, making them difficult to detect. But unless they are dealt with, they can quickly render a government structurally unsound, at which point it is often too late. Just ask Kevin Rudd, Julia Gillard, Ted Baillieu, Denis Napthine and Tony Abbott.

There are, however, early warning signs common to governments on the cusp of stumbling onto the wrong path. The first is the presence of low level grumbling from the backbench (or more seriously from the frontbench) about the leader's office. Such complaints were common immediately before the Rudd, Gillard, Baillieu, Napthine and Abbott governments descended into hell.

The complaints tend to take two forms: either the leader's office is seen as excessively controlling and arrogant; or it is seen as incapable of making decisions, leading to administrative blockages and bottlenecks.

Tony Abbott.

Tony Abbott.

The Abbott government was most frequently accused of the former, with claims Abbott's chief of staff, Peta Credlin, had corrupted the cabinet process with heavy-handed, unilateral decision-making.

For the Baillieu government, it was the latter, with claims of a "culture of secrecy and paranoia" in the leader's office, inherent structural problems and decision-making paralysis.

Andrews, ominously, is being dogged by both types of complaints – albeit in a more muted form and from a very specific dissident faction. But the complaints are real, and have the potential to progress into something more serious if unheeded.

Julia Gillard.

Julia Gillard. Photo: Nic Walker

Part of the problem is that Andrews' well of goodwill was never very deep. Unlike Bill Shorten, Andrews has never been buttressed by the architecture of the Labor Party, because he comes from a minority left faction. That has left him dependent on dominant right factions – in opposition and government.

This structural problem for Andrews was partly mitigated by his historic election win, which gave him legitimacy and an opportunity to assert control. The danger for Andrews is that old Labor Party tensions could now be resurfacing as political problems emerge.

The second warning sign is a growing tendency to sacrifice accountability and transparency when political pressure is applied. The Abbott government, for example, came to power promising strong processes – including rigorous benefit-cost analysis – for assessing state funding proposals for major projects.

But not long after the 2013 federal election it became apparent the process for doling out federal cash for infrastructure had become ridiculously politicised, with the key battlegrounds in western Sydney and Queensland claiming a disproportionately large share. As a report from the federal Auditor-General later found, Abbott rushed to hand over $3 billion of East West Link cash to the former Napthine government despite "clear advice" from the public service that the project hadn't been justified and wasn't ready. The whole process was a disgrace.

The Andrews government has not sunk to the same lows, but there are some worrying signs. Labor's sky rail plan, for example, was rushed out with no public business case and little public consultation (forget the government spin which asserts that there had been a "state of the art" engagement process).

And now the government is preparing for a Supreme Court battle in an attempt to block the state's Ombudsman, Deborah Glass, from investigating the so-called rorts-for-votes scheme. One interpretation is that Labor is worried about what Glass might find, and is ducking scrutiny.

None of these things on their own are particularly significant. But together, they could be dangerous. After all, Labor is only three seats away from losing its majority. If the last election proved anything, it is that single-term governments are now possible in Victoria.

Josh Gordon is state political editor of The Age.


  • > In December the government was buffeted by a report from the state's Auditor-General finding Labor's decision to abandon the East West Link cost taxpayers more than $1.1 billion, "for little tangible benefit".

    When will the media actually do some solid reporting and hold politicians accountable. The cost to abandon EW Link can mostly be attributed to the Liberal Govt and the poison pill they forced us Victorians to swallow in the form of that ridiculous secret pre-election contract.

    If the media is going to allow political parties (on either side) get away with cynical political decisions, we will never get more accountable/truthful politicians and media has fails one of its responsibilities.

    Peter P
    Date and time
    February 18, 2016, 3:33AM
    • +1 As for the use of Dantes Inferno. Oh dear.

      Date and time
      February 18, 2016, 6:39AM
    • +1 @ Peter P. You're absolutely spot on. Liberal Party should be made liable for it's poison pill contract Mr.Andrews had to honour.

      Date and time
      February 18, 2016, 6:49AM
    • What did Andrews say about the contract again for EW? Not worth the paper it was written on...?
      You know he was a boots and all supporter of the project until he saw an opportunity to use it for wedge politics
      And now he's found another big roads project where HE won't release details of the deal.
      What a straight-up guy!

      Date and time
      February 18, 2016, 7:21AM
    • Andrews and Pallas are starting to make the same mistakes as Napthine and O'Brien.
      The $18 billion East Waste toll road was an outrageously expensive project shrouded in secrecy with no credible cost-benefit analysis.

      Cancelling this saved Victorians $18 billion.

      However the Labor government is now doing the same secretive process with the Western Distributor .

      Andrews and Pallas have now come up with their own secretive PPP road project.

      The $5.5 billion Western Distributor toll road will actually cost motorists up to $30 billion in toll fees over the life of the new PPP agreement between Transurban and the government.

      This project is a disgraceful waste of money !

      This project should have been presented to Infrastructure Victoria for professional assessment.

      Get Real
      Date and time
      February 18, 2016, 7:30AM
    • Onya Pete, Andrews says there will be no east west compensation under a government he leads, gets elected, it costs 1.1 billion not to build it and you say it's the LNP's fault. Yeah, that'll wash!

      Date and time
      February 18, 2016, 7:52AM
    • I never get this argument that some letter had all the power - more than a binding legal contract!

      Is there a lawyer that can explain this? Can I just ignore all my contacts that I don't like now?

      Date and time
      February 18, 2016, 7:53AM
    • Both the liberals and labour parties are equally culpable in this mind boggling $1.1 billion waste of our tax money by first contracting then cancelling the East West Link.

      The liberals are culpable for forcing through the agreement prior to the election, while labour was equally reckless by promising to scrap the project just to win voters.

      You do not need to be a traffic expert to see that the current East West connection is already woefully inadequate now, so scrapping the East West Link project was never going to be the end of it.

      Date and time
      February 18, 2016, 7:58AM
    • What rubbish.

      The Libs didn't decide to cancel the contract. They entered into it when they still had a completely legitimate right to sign contracts. The bleating from people that don't agree with that is pathetic.

      Daniel Andrews could easily have gone to the election claiming that he would review the contract and cancel it or modify it if possible.

      He didn't do that!

      Instead, he made a completely irresponsible claim that the contract was invalid and could be cancelled at no cost to the taxpayer. Not only was he completely wrong, but he didn't even have the courage to modify his stance when it became apparent that it would cost the taxpayers multiple millions.

      He damaged our finances, damaged our international reputation, and denied us the opportunity to obtain a piece of sorely needed infrastructure. It didn't matter that it wasn't the top priority for the state. Once that contract was signed, he should have dealt with that fact responsibly and he didn't. He put his own interests ahead of the interests of Victoria.... and appalling start for any premier.

      Date and time
      February 18, 2016, 8:05AM
    • Listen Peter P, we've got a major freeway that starts on the Mornington Peninsula that simply dumps it's traffic into a grid of suburban streets on the edge of the CBD. This disconnect forces so much congestion. rat running and increased traffic on Melbourne's busiest rd Citylink, blind Freddie could tell you that the East West link is a no brainer and that it must be built. The fact that it's not being built now and that we lost 1.1 billion in not building it will go down as one of the biggest right royal, five star, hand forged, top shelf, platinum tipped stuff ups of all time.

      Not happy Dan!

      Frankston South
      Date and time
      February 18, 2016, 8:06AM

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