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Speculation and fundamentals drive resources rally

The extraordinary rally in commodities is being driven both by fundamentals and speculation, but experts are divided as to its sustainability.

The last time Fortescue Metals Group shares traded above $6 a share five years ago, iron ore was selling at close to $US120 a tonne, well above the current price of $US75 a tonne. The roaring return for Australian mining stocks has outpaced the recovery of their respective commodities.

Driving investors into the stocks is a heady combination of Chinese fiscal and monetary stimulus supporting demand for steel, optimism that President-elect Donald Trump will push through infrastructure spending quickly, and a return to favour in the value end of the market, in which resources sector sits.

The stocks have also rebounded from the extreme negativity that sent them to multi-year lows late last year, Wingate Asset Management chief investment officer Chad Padowitz said.

"Commodity producers have become more efficient because they've taken excesses out of the system," he said.

"You generally get a free kick [as commodity prices move higher] before costs start to go up again."


But Mr Padowitz does not think the rally is sustainable and is avoiding investing in the sector despite the renewed optimism.

"There's not a great deal of sustainable infrastructure led growth in China given where they are in their cycle," he said, noting the economy was still in transition away from manufacturing towards consumption, and there was no economy yet to take its place to drive commodity demand in the same scale.

"I don't think we're by any stretch on the dawn of a great new commodity rally," he said.

Reasons for rally to continue

Goldman Sachs on the other hand, is among those moving overweight in commodities.

"Historically, when the US and Chinese output gaps close and inflation begins to rise, this has been a buy signal for commodities," commodity analysts for the investment bank said.

"While the knee jerk reaction of copper and iron ore prices to a Trump victory was likely too much too quickly, we believe that commodity markets are entering a cyclically stronger environment after a mid-cycle pause as evidenced by the recent re-acceleration in global [purchasing managing indices]."

Daniel Hynes, senior commodity strategist at ANZ, also saw reasons for the rally to continue.

"Certainly for the bulk commodities – iron ore, steel and coal – it's definitely been China-driven, but there's obviously an improvement in sentiment in the wider commodity complex which the US election has had a part in," he said.

"When you look at the way the US dollar has moved, it does suggest that we've seen a re-rating or resetting of investors' expectations around both global growth and demand for commodities as well as the supply side issues we've been talking about for some time."

Coal prices in particular have been a beneficiary of supply disruptions, including heavy rain and a derailment in Queensland earlier this year, while demand has been consistently ticking higher.

Stronger dollar not a 'brick wall'

While Mr Padowitz pointed to a stronger US dollar challenging the outlook for commodities, which are priced in the currency, given the associated pressure on emerging markets, Mr Hynes said it may be a headwind for prices, it wasn't a "brick wall".

"When you look at the historical performance of the US dollar versus commodities it does suggest that something's out of whack but it doesn't mean necessarily that we're going to see some weakness ahead."

Goldman Sachs too said the relationship between a stronger US dollar and stronger commodity prices was not incompatible.

"While we expect commodity prices to rise, we do not see them rising by enough to significantly change the financial pressures on EM producers," the analysts said.

Goldman Sachs' three-month forecast for iron ore is for $US65 a tonne, and $US55 a tonne in 12 months' time.

ANZ forecasts iron ore prices to steady at $US68 a tonne by year's end, and $US290 for coking coal spot prices.

"From our point of view we expect them to hold relatively close to these current levels on the back of that improved sentiment as well as the supply side issues which seem to be increasing," he said.

Challenges to this forecast include poor economic data from China that could rattle the sentiment in the sector, and whether Mr Trump can deliver on his stimulus expectations.