Michael IdatoEgiaztatu kontua


Entertainment editor-at-large and critique de télévision for The Sydney Morning Herald, mithril frequent flyer and minor European royal; midato@smh.com.au

Los Angeles
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@michaelidato blokeatuta dago

Ziur zaude Txio hauek ikusi nahi dituzula? Txioak ikusteak ez du @michaelidato desblokeatuko.

  1. Trump says he has a winning temperament. Hot on the heels of a rant which comprehensively suggests otherwise ...

  2. Can someone call Sean Hannity, please? Maybe then the ranting will stop ...

  3. "I have a 10 year old son. He has computers." Maybe he hacked the DNC?

  4. Ooooh. Big sniffle there.

  5. Eek. He's dying on birtherism.

  6. is sniffing a lot. I do hope he doesn't have pneumonia.

  7. While I'm thinking of it, , why'd you take Tracey Takes On off? Can you bring it back? Just for an old-time TV critic who loves it?

  8. Veep. Brilliant show. A truly deserved win.

  9. Two to go folks! Outstanding comedy and drama and then it's a wrap ...

  10. Rami Malek! "Please tell me you're seeing this too." Love it. He's the world's sweetest guy. So deserved.

  11. It's the pointy end, folks. We're nearly there.

  12. And lovely to see the inclusion of David Bowie, Gene Wilder and Prince in the . And the gorgeous Patty Duke.

  13. Amazing ... Jackie Collins, Anton Yelchin, Doris Roberts, Garry Shandling, Abe Vigoda, Noel Neill, Jack Larson...

  14. Can someone tell Ben Mendelsohn that Cookie has his Emmy?

  15. A somewhat underwhelming moment. LOL. But glory for Oz as Ben Mendelsohn wins for best supporting actor.

  16. Ben Mendelsohn! Go you good thing! Australia wins!

  17. Warning: this next segment contains the . Grab the tissues.

  18. Traded my sandwich with the guy next to me for his apple. Hoping to upsell two apples for something more. Anyone got here?

  19. My lunch bag from Jimmy Kimmel's mum hand delivered to my seat. Contents: sandwich, cookie, apple and a note!

  20. Matt Damon on stage. "I missed the last category. Did you win?" he asks . Hilarious.

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