
'Yellowface': Another Snapchat lens prompts calls of racism

Snapchat's lens gave users cartoon Asian eyes and exaggerated teeth.
Snapchat's lens gave users cartoon Asian eyes and exaggerated teeth. Photo: Twitter / @tequilafunrise

​Mere months after offending its users with a lens that many considered racist, Snapchat is back at it again with a selfie lens that critics have called "yellowface."

The lens, which was available briefly this week, exaggerated the user's nose and teeth and gave her closed, downward-slanting eyes. Snapchat said it was inspired by anime, but critics complained that the effect mimicked racist caricature drawings.

"Omfg," the New York Times's Mike Isaac tweeted. "Does Snapchat hire ANY PoC to tell them this stuff is so so stupid?" — the assumption being that a diverse, empowered workforce would stop these gaffes before they happened.

People of colour work at Snapchat; in fact, the app's co-founder, Bobby Murphy, is Filipino American. But even as it's become trendy for tech firms to publicise their workforce data, Snapchat has thus far declined to join them. The company declined to release those numbers at Re/code's annual tech conference in 2015, where Snapchat Chief Executive Evan Spiegel said diversity was important to him but referred to quantifying diverse hires as "not really cool."

It declined again in April when questions were raised about the controversial Bob Marley filter, in which users' faces appeared with darkened skin tones and dreadlocks. Snapchat said then that the filter was developed in partnership with Marley's estate to let fans express "appreciation" for him.


Last April, when a member of a California tax credit committee grilled Snapchat about its hiring practices, the company said only that it was hiring a "head of diversity recruiting". (That member, who'd said she'd use her position to "raise concerns" about diversity, ultimately abstained from voting.)

This is all really important, because more diverse tech companies tend to make less mistakes like this. And Dincomplete as they may be, diversity numbers are widely seen as a sign that a company cares about the industrywide lack of racial and gender diversity enough to address it.

Snapchat's competitors have all made a show of publishing their own numbers, even when they're dismal. (Twitter and Facebook, which have both made plays for Snapchat turf, are 57 per cent white male at the managerial level.) Companies like Pinterest have challenged other tech firms to be more transparent about the makeup of their workforce.

"It's hard for companies to admit that they're working through any issues when they want to paint the rosy picture for recruiting," Pinterest engineer Tracy Chou wrote in a widely circulated blog post. But "I can't imagine trying to solve a problem where the real metrics, the ones we're setting our goals against, are obfuscated."

On the Re/code stage last year, Spiegel told Walt Mossberg that "I should have exact percentages for you." This week, when asked whether it planned to publish its numbers in light of the latest racial gaffe, Snapchat said that it would not.

Washington Post
