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Palestine-Israel, After 13 years of joint struggle (and 12 in Bil'in), we won the right for the unarmed demonstrations against the separation fence, settlers, and occupation*

category mashriq / arabia / iraq | indigenous struggles | news report author Saturday November 12, 2016 16:36author by Ilan S. - Anarchists Against the Wall, Ahdut (Unity)author email ilan.shalif at gmail dot comauthor address Tel Aviv Report this post to the editors

Bil'in, Ni'ilin, Qaddum, Shikh Jarrah and the South of Hebron Hills

At the beginning, up to 450 Israelis of the radical left joined the hundreds of Palestinians of Bil'in and the region in the struggle against the robbery of the village land for the Modi'in Elit settlement and the separation fence used for that. It took more than 7 years till the state forces stopped to try to prevent activist from joining the Bil'iners in the Friday joint demonstrations. It took another 5 years till they stop to shoot on us tear gas and "non lethal" bullets. Two Bil'iners paid with their life, hundreds of Palestinians and Israelis were injured, detained and even arrested (Palestinians for long time up to a year and a half, Israelis no more than a day or two). Many thousands of international activists participated with us and contributed later for the international struggle against the occupation. The harassment of the village activists at nights mainly continue, but the struggle will not stop.

Bil'in, Friday 7-10-16, 5 Israelis, 10 internationals, and about dozen village activists converged for the Friday demo against the Israeli occupation and settlers. Unlike the few previous demos the Israeli armed cars were posited at the route of the dismantled separation fence were they used to block our way to the new separation wall most of the last year... but just as we started to march the went away - "invited" us to march along the newly upgraded road to the new separation wall near the Abu Lamun oak orchard - as we did in the few previous demos. However, they put at the old route a line and warning not to cross it, declaring the place as military fire training area and harassed the few comrades who went that way.
However, not accepting their "request" the main demo took another road straight to the gate in the wall. For a while, when the state force harassed the comrades who did go on the road leading to the oak orchard we converged not far from the gate waiting for the armed cars to go away. When they did it, we marched to the gate and then along the wall to the oak orchard - confronting on the way settler youngsters on the other side of the wall. After a while the state forces returned but instead of confronting us just confiscated a car of a village activist.
After a long rest we returned to the village.
14-10-16 The Bil'in Freedom demonstration went ahead smoothly today and we made it to The Israeli apartheid wall ! We were about 30 people with International activists from around the world: Israel, Canada, Holland! Some were from the ISM (International Solidarity Movement).
Our demonstration is held on our village "Freedom Street" street and peacefully protests against the Illegal Israeli apartheid and military occupation of West Bank and our farming village! HELLO! There were NO arrests today! We arrived at the wall and the gate of the wall, demonstrators climbed the wall to hoist up our national Palestinian flag and the gates opened and the Israeli Occupation forces came out! The soldiers did threaten the International activists with immediate arrest if they did not leave the area and actually took photocopies of their passports! The soldiers looked for cars to steal ...but there weren't any to Arrest! It was a good day! I am hosting some activists in my home now and I am proud of their courage and I thank them for blessing our village with their visit! Palestinians are loving welcoming people and we always welcome you ALL to visit and WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT! You will always find love from us, its all we have but we give it freely and generously! Thank you International activists!
21-10-16 Bil'in, Friday 21-10-16 demo. 4 Israelis, and about 15 internationals joined a delegation from Ramallah and the village activists. We converged at the Abu Lamun wood. Before starting the demo the participants continued to clear the wood from the various remnants of more than 5 years of confrontations.
Than we marched to the wall and along it up to the gate in the wall. There we knocked on the gate for long time but no response came.
After social time in the area near the gate we returned to the village.
Bil'in, 28-10-16, Friday demo against occupation and settlers, and in memory of Renen Raz - activist of the anarchist against the wall, who died this week after a long illness (his activity was participation in the Friday demo in Bil'in). In the demo participated 10 Israelis with the AAtW initiative, dozens of international activist from various countries and the village activists. We converged at the Abu Lamun oak wood and started marching and chanting - with many holding Renen picture, towards the gate in the wall. After we arrived youth climbed the wall to hung an additional Palestinian flag. When we arrived there people converged in front of the gate taking pictures and knocking on the gate... After a long time few Israeli soldiers showed themselves behind the wall and threw few sound grenades.... and then we returned to the village.
4-11-16Friday demo. 5 Israelis with the anarchist against the wall initiative Joined dozens of international activists and the village activists. After converging at the Abu Lamun oak mini park we marched towards the gate in the separation wall - chanting all the way. When we arrived there the gate was opened a bit and we could see few soldiers positioned just behind the gate. After few minutes of converging near the gate the soldiers came forward - declaring the area as closed military zone and demand us to return to the village. As we just ignored them they started to threat us with arrests and even detained two activists. "2 activist - one of the Israeli anarchists against wall and one village activist (brother of the two martyrs) detained today on the weekly Bil'in"
After a long while with more threats of arrests and partial retreat the army commander promised to release the detainees when we will be distant from the gate... After the demo end was declared we slowly started to return to the village.
When we returned to the village the two detainees were released after signing a promise not to commit the same felony again.


4-11-16 Friday demo. Awful smell, even poisoning our air... Zionist occupation soldiers spraying wastewater (skunk water) at Palestinian people and houses of Kufr Qaddom village. The filthy smell lasts more than a week and requires really hard work to clean it. This way of collective punishment is very common and used everywhere in occupied Palestine.


10/21/2016 israelpnm
4.11.2016 israelpnm

Nabi Saleh

Friday 28-10-16 Today demonstration against Balfour declaration. After hundred years we still resist.

Don't Say We Didn't Know 520

Last week the Israeli army carried out various demolitions in the West Bank.

Following is a report of one case:

On Tuesday, September 27, 2016. soldiers came to the Palestinian village of Al Hama in the northern part of the Palestinian Jordan Valley, near the settlement Mekhola, and demolished all 25 of the structures there. Since that cursed day, settlers and soldiers keep arriving there and threatening the inhabitants to cease their cooperation with Israelis who come to help them and demanding the villagers to leave. One of the villagers told the Israeli peace activists that in the past houses were demolished as well but there were no subsequent harassments as there are now.


Don't Say We Didn't Know 521

This posting is an exception: I include a photo of third-graders of the Bedouin Abu Al-Nawar family of the Jahalin tribe who live in E1 zone, between Jerusalem and the Maale Adumim settlement. After a previous demolition of their school, they erected a tent that served as a classroom. On Tuesday, October 4, 2016, Israeli soldiers arrived and destroyed the tent.

Don't Say We Didn't Know 523

On October 10, 2016, Israeli human rights activists discovered that settlers from the unauthorized outpost of Giv'at Sal'it (belonging to the settlement Mekhola in the Palestinian Jordan Valley) have begun to build yet another, new outpost about 300 meters from the Palestinian village of Al Hama which the Israeli army has demolished, claiming the village is built illegally (see "Don't Say We Didn't Know" no. 520). All appeals to the army and the police have been of no avail. The settlers continue building the new outpost which will eventually become a new settlement. This is what history teaches us...

Don't Say We Didn't Know 524

The Israeli army persists in its transfer schemes.
Having demolished most of this Palestinian village's houses on October 9, 2016, Israeli soldiers came to Ras Al Ahmar (in the Palestinian northern Jordan Valley) two and a half weeks later and issued all the villagers a temporary evacuation order. They are required to leave their village on Tuesday, November 1, 2016 at 4 p.m. and will be permitted to return the next day at 10 a.m.
The villagers of Homsa, a Palestinian village near the settlement of Beqa'ot also received a temporary evacuation order for Tuesday and Wednesday, October 31st and November 1st.
The reason for these orders: the Israeli army intends to hold manoeuvres in the area.


Don't say we did not know #525

The Israeli army continues to bully the Palestinians, inhabitants of Ras Al Ahmar in the Palestinian Jordan valley.

On Monday, October 31, 2016, Israeli soldiers confiscated 5 tractors. Three weeks before that they demolished the inhabitants' homes (October 9) and evacuated them (November 1) from their village for the night for army manoeuvre purposes.


On Sunday, October 30, gov't. agents arrived, escorted by police, to the Bedouin village Bir Hadaj (near Revivim) and demolished tents, put up by residents after their homes had been demolished on October 9. They demolished three water tanks as well. Ever since, the police has increased its presence and on Tuesday, November 1 arrested four people.

On Wednesday, November 2, gov't agents, escorted by police, arrived in El 'Araqib and demolished it again. This time they confiscated cars, a cart and a water tank.
For further information:
* From my blog at: - about the joint struggles the Anarchists Against the Wall take part in.
Stories from the year 2100 - 50 years after the revolution:
Ahdut (Unity) Position paper about the Palestinian struggle
English -

Related Link:
author by Alternativa Libertaria/FdCA - Ufficio Relazioni Internazionalipublication date Tue Nov 15, 2016 02:09Report this post to the editors

Palestina-Israele, dopo 13 anni di lotta unitaria (12 a Bil'in), abbiamo conquistato il diritto a tenere manifestazioni non-armate contro il muro della separazione, contro i coloni e contro l'occupazione*

Bil'in, Ni'ilin, Qaddum, Shikh Jarrah e Colline Sud di Hebron

All'inizio, erano più di 450 gli Israeliani della sinistra radicale che si unirono alle centinaia di Palestinesi di Bil'in e della regione nella lotta contro il furto delle terre del villaggio per costruirvi sopra l'insediamento coloniale di Modi'in Elit protetto dal muro della separazione. Ci son voluti 7 anni perchè le forze di stato smettessero di impedire agli attivisti israeliani di recarsi a Bil'in ogn venerdì per le manifestazioni unitarie. E ci sono voluti altri 5 anni perchè la smettessero di spararci addosso gas lacrimogeni e proiettili "non-letali". Due abitanti di Bil'in hanno perso la vita, centinaia di Palestinesi e di Israeliani sono rimasti feriti, fermati e persino arrestati (per i Palestinesi fino ad un anno e mezzo di detenzione, per gli Israeliani non più di uno o due giorni). Diverse migliaia di attivisti internazionali hanno partecipato insieme a noi alle manifestazioni e contribuito ad allargare la lotta contro l'occupazione a livello internazionale. Proseguono i maltrattamenti notturni contro gli attivisti del villaggio, ma la lotta non si fermerà.

Venerdì 7-10-16, Cinque Israeliani, 10 internazionali e circa una dozzina di attivisti del villaggio si sono radunati per la manifestazione del venerdì contro l'occupazione israeliana e contro i coloni. A differenza delle precedenti manifestazioni, gli autoblindo israeliani erano posizionati sulla strada del muro smantellato dove per quasi tutto l'anno scorso erano soliti bloccare i nostri cortei verso il nuovo muro... ma appena il corteo si è mosso se ne sono andati - "invitandoci" a manifestare lungo il nuovo percorso che porta al nuovo muro vicino al parco di querce di Abu Lamun -così come avevamo fatto in alcune manifestazioni precedenti. Tuttavia, hanno tirato una linea di demarcazione sulla vecchia strada avvertendoci di non oltrepassarla, in quanto zona di esercitazioni militari ed hanno maltrattato alcuni compagni che hanno cercato di violare l'ordinanza.
Comunque, non accogliendo la loro "richiesta" gran parte del corteo ha scelto un'altra strada dritta verso il cancello del muro. Per un attimo, mentre le forze di stato se la prendevano con i compagni che non avevano preso la strada per il querceto, noi ci siamo concentrati non distanti dal cancello in attesa che gli autoblindo se ne andassero. Quando se ne sono andati, ci siamo diretti al muro e poi lungo il muro verso il querceto - confrontandoci lungo il percorso con giovani coloni posizionati dall'altra parte del muro. Dopo un po' le forze di stato sono tornate ma invece di scontrarsi con noi hanno solo sequestrato l'automobile di un attivista del villaggio.
Dopo esserci riposati a lungo siamo ritornati al villaggio.
14-10-16 La manifestazione per la libertà a Bil'in è andata liscia oggi e l'abbiamo fatta davanti al muro israeliano dell'apartheid! Eravamo circa in 30 con attivisti internazionali da tutto il mondo: Israele, Canada, Olanda! Alcuni erano dell'ISM (International Solidarity Movement).
La nostra manifestazione "Strada della Libertà" si è tenuta nel nostro villaggio per protestare pacificamente contro l'illegale apartheid di Israele e contro l'occupazione militare della Cisgiordania e del nostro villaggio di agricoltori! HELLO! Non c'è stato nessun arresto oggi! Siamo arrivati al cancello del muro, alcuni manifestanti hanno scalato il muro per mettervi sulla cima una bandiera palestinese, ma i cancelli si sono aperti e le forze di occupazione israeliane sono venute fuori! I soldati hanno minacciato gli attivisti internazionali di arresto immediato se non si fossero allontanati ed hanno fatto fotocopie dei loro passaporti! I soldati si sono messi a cercare automobili da sequestrare ...,ma non c'era nessuno da arrestare! E' stata una bella giornata! Sto ospitando alcuni attivisti a casa mia e sono orgoglioso del loro coraggio, li ringrazio per averci onorato della loro visita al villaggio! I Palestinesi sono felici di dare il benvenuto alle persone ed a tutti quelli che vengono a visitarci ed a portarci il sostegno di cui abbiamo bisogno! Troverete sempre amore da parte nostra, è tutto ciò che abbiamo ma ve lo doniamo liberamente e generosamente! Grazie a voi attivisti internazionali!
21-10-16 Bil'in, manifestazione del venerdì. 4 Israeliani e circa 15 internazionali si sono uniti ad una delegazione di Ramallah ed agli attivisti del villaggio. Ci siamo radunati al bosco di Abu Lamun. Prima di iniziare la manifestazione i partecipanti hanno continuato a pulire il bosco dai resti di oltre 5 anni di scontri.
Poi abbiamo proseguito verso il muro e lungo di esso fino al cencello del muro. Abbiamo bussato al cancello a lungo ma senza ricevere alcuna risposta.
Dopo avere trascorso del tempo insieme vicino al cancello abbiamo fatto ritorno al villaggio.
Bil'in, 28-10-16, manifestazione del venerdì contro l'occupazione e contro i coloni, in memoria di Renen Raz - attivista degli Anarchici Contro il Muro, che è morto questa settimana dopo una lunga malattia (in vita partecipava alle manifestazioni del venerdì a Bil'in). In corteo 10 Israeliani di Anarchici Contro il Muro, dozzine di attivisti internazionali da vari paesi e poi gli attivisti del villaggio. Ci siamo radunati al bosco di Abu Lamun ed abbiamo iniziato il corteo scandendo slogan - con molte fotografie di Renen- in direzione del cancello del muro. Arrivati lì i giovani hanno scalato il muro per appendere un'altra bandiera palestinese. I manifestanti si sono messi davanti al cancello facendo foto e bussando sul cancello...Dopo lungo tempo alcuni soldati israeliani si sono fatti vedere dietro il muro per lanciarci addosso alcune granate assordanti....e poi siamo ritornati al villaggio.
manifestazione di venerdì 4-11-16. Cinque Israeliani con gli Anarchici Contro il Muro si sono uniti alle dozzine di attivisti internazionali ed agli attivisti del villaggio. Dopo esserci radunati al mini-parcheggio del bosco di Abu Lamun abbiamo manifestato verso il cancello del muro della separazione - cantando per tutto il percorso. Quando siamo arrivati lì, il cancello era socchiuso ed abbiamo potuto vedere pochi soldati posizionati proprio al di là del muro. Dopo pochi minuti dall'arrivo del corteo nei pressi del cancello, i soldati si sono fatti vedere dichiarando l'area zona militare chiusa ed intimandoci di far ritorno al villaggio. Dal momento che li ignoravamo, hanno iniziato a minacciarci di arresti ed hanno persino fermato due attivisti. "2 attivisti - uno degli Anarchici Contro il Muro ed uno del villaggio (fratello dei 2 martiri) fermati oggi nel corso della manifestazione settimanale a Bil'in"
Dopo un bel pezzo di tempo e dopo tante minacce di arresti e di parziale ritiro, il comandante ha promesso di rilasciare i 2 fermati quando la manifestazione si fosse allontanata dal cancello... Dopo aver dichiarato la fine della manifestazione abbiamo iniziato lentamente a far ritorno al villaggio.
Una volta tornati al villaggio, i due fermati sono stati rilasciati dopo aver sottoscritto un impegno a non commettere lo stesso reato.


manifestazione di venerdì 4-11-16. Un puzzo terribile che avvelenava l'aria... i soldati dell'occupazione sionista che spruzzano acqua marcia sui Palestinesi e sulle case del villaggio di Kufr Qaddom. La puzza dura più di una settimana e ce ne vuole per pulire tutto. Questa modalità di punizione collettiva è molto comune ed usata ovunque nella Palestina occupata.


10/21/2016 israelpnm
4.11.2016 israelpnm

Nabi Saleh

Venerdì 28-10-16 Oggi manifestazione contro la dichiarazione di Balfour. Dopo 100 anni siamo ancora qui che resistiamo.

Non dite che non lo sapevamo n°520

La scorsa settimana l'esercito israeliano ha operato varie demolizioni in Cisgiordania.

Eccone un esempio:

Martedì 27 settembre 2016. Quel giorno i soldati giunsero nel villaggio palestinese di Al Hama nel nord della Valle del Giordano, vicino all'insediamento coloniale di Mekhola, e vi demolirono tutti i 25 edifici. Da quel giorno, i coloni ed i soldati continuano a farsi vedere ed a chiedere sotto minaccia agli abitanti di interrompere la loro cooperazione con gli Israeliani che arrivano lì per aiutarli, infine li invitano ad andarsene da lì. Uno dei residenti ha detto ai pacifisti israeliani che anche in passato le case venivano demolite ma poi non seguivano continui fastidi come ora.


Non dite che non lo sapevamo n°521

Includo in via eccezionale una foto di bimbi di terza classe della famiglia beduina Abu Al-Nawar della tribù Jahalin che vive nella zona E1, tra Gerusalemme e l'insediamento coloniale di Maale Adumim. Dopo una precedente demolizione della loro scuola, hanno tirato su una tenda che servisse come aula. Martedì 4 ottobre 2016, i soldati israeliani sono arrivati e l'hanno distrutta.

Non dite che non lo sapevamo n°523

Il 10 ottobre 2016, attivisti israeliani per i diritti umani hanno scoperto che i coloni di un avanposto non autorizzato di Giv'at Sal'it (di pertinenza dell'insediamento di Mekhola nella palestinese Valle del Giordano) hanno iniziato a costruirne un altro a circa 300 metri dal villaggio palestinese di Al Hama che l'esercito israeliano ha già demolito col pretesto che si trattasse di costruzioni illegali (vedi "Non dite che non lo sapevamo" n°. 520). Tutti gli appelli rivolti all'esercito ed alla polizia non hanno trovato ascolto. I coloni continuano a costruire il nuovo avanposto che probabilmente diventerà un nuovo insediamento. Questo è ciò che ci insegna la storia...

Non dite che non lo sapevamo n°524

L'esercito israeliano insiste sui suoi programmi di deportazione.
Avendo demolito la maggior parte delle case di questo villaggio palestinese il 9 ottobre 2016, i soldati israeliani sono tornati a Ras Al Ahmar (nel nord della Valle del Giordano) due settimane e mezzo dopo ed hanno consegnato ai residenti un'ordinanza temporanea di evacuazione. Gli hanno chiesto di lasciare il villaggio martedì 1 novembre 2016 alle 16 e di far ritorno il giorno dopo alle 10.00.
Anche gli abitanti di Homsa, un villaggio palestinese vicino all'insediamento coloniale di Beqa'ot hanno ricevuto un'ordinanza temporanea di evacuazione per lunedì 31 ottobre e martedì 1 novembre.
La ragione di queste ordinanze: manovre militari nell'area.


Non dite che non lo sapevamo n°525

L'esercito israeliano continua a perseguitare i palestinesi del villaggio di Ras Al Ahmar nella Valle del Giordano.

Lunedì 31 ottobre 2016, i soldati israeliani hanno confiscato 5 trattori. Tre settimane prima (il 9 ottobre) avevano demolito le case degli abitanti e poi li hanno evacuati di notte (1 novembre) dal loro villaggio a causa di manovre militari.


Domenica 30 ottobre, agenti governativi scortati dalla polizia sono gunti nel villaggio beduino di Bir Hadaj (vicino Revivim) ed hanno demolito le tende erette dagli abitanti dopo che le loro case erano state demolite il 9 ottobre. Hanno demolito anche tre cisterne d'acqua. Da allora, la polizia ha aumentato la sua presenza e martedì 1 novembre ha arrestato 4 persone.

Mercoledì 2 novembre, agenti governativi scortati dalla polizia, sono giunti ad El 'Araqib e lo hanno demolito ancora una volta. Questa volta hanno confiscato le automobili, un rimorchio ed una cisterna d'acqua.
Per altre informazioni:

*Ilan Shalif

Anarchici Contro Il Muro

Blog di Ahdut (Unità - organizzazione comunista anarchica israeliana):

(traduzione a cura di ALternativa Libertaria/fdca - Ufficio Relazioni Internazionali)

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Employees at the Zarfati Garage in Mishur Adumim vote to strike on July 22, 2014. (Photo courtesy of Ma’an workers union)

Mashriq / Arabia / Iraq | Indigenous struggles | News Report | en

Tue 15 Nov, 20:33

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textPalestine-Israel, The Tsumud/persistence of 13 years of joint struggle will continue as long as it t... 14:13 Sat 01 Oct by Ilan S. 1 comments

It is not because the Jews rule US... It is because Israel play an essential part in the Imperial struggle between US and Russia. Though the oil is less important to US economy it is still important to its partners. The western empire elite came to Peres ceremony because Israel helped to return Egypt to US sphere of influence. Protected Jordan from being taken by pro Russian Syria, Pushed Syria out of Lebanon for a while... and supply important services all over the world. Thus, the struggle against Israel apartheid is going to be much harder than the abolishing of it in Southern Africa. However, we have here the joint non armed struggle, the tens of thousands international activists who come here to participate and return home with the torch of struggle. The Israeli Jews who participate every week in the joint struggle refute the "anti-Semitism" false claims.

textPalestine-Israel, The Israeli "loses management" diminished the intensity of the weekly confrontatio... 13:49 Sun 21 Aug by Ilan S. 1 comments

After so many years it is hard to get used to the replacement of tear gas and bullets with threat of arrests if we cross an imaginary line. For many years we worried about the day when the Israeli state decision makers will minimise or even stop the the harsh repression of the weekly joint demonstrations against the occupation, the settlers and the separation wall. On 27-5-16 was the first demo in Bil'in the state forces did not shoot us. It took a dozen such non shootings to realize it is a real strategic shift. The last Friday they even "invited" us to return the demo to the area near the new separation wall - forbidden for us for about a year. It seems the multi millions invested in the struggle against the B.D.S. recruited a more intelligent managers who was able to force the army to swallow their pride and stop harassing the Friday demos and the international activists participating in them.

textPalestine-Israel, The joint struggle is still kicking even if on lower level* 16:34 Tue 12 Jul by Ilan S. 1 comments

The joint non armed struggle of the Israeli anarchists against the wall with local activists which confronted the Israeli state forces was unique at the beginning and drew to it less radical Israelis. Along the years were efforts to unite the local struggles and rise the level of activity but both Palestinian and Israeli authorities thwarted it. Alternative projects in the less radical Israeli circles diminish the pool the AAtW recruit. In the Palestinian side some of the successes and softening of the Israeli suppression contributed its share for dropping out of the on going joint struggle. The radical change of suppression of the Friday demos in Bil'in - mainly not shooting us any more with bullets and tear gas grenades, and the Ramadan rose some second thoughts even in the most persistent activists. But, the Tsumud (persistent) moral was regained in the relative big demo of 8 July.

textPalestine-Israel, The joint struggle continue in spite of the drop out of activists* 01:41 Wed 08 Jun by Ilan S. 1 comments

Two consecutive Fridays without being shot at after 11 years can destabilize even long time activist like me.... For 13 years the anarchists against the wall initiative and Palestinian partners continue the struggle even when the expectation for practical gains diminished. Changes in the separation fence/wall are less likely than ever. The remaining road blocks are the ones which are not just for marginal harassments. The diminishing hardship inflicted on activists opened other personal options than struggle. However, there are still a hard core of old time activists and some new of the younger generation. The contribution of the joint struggle to gains in the international support is more obvious than ever, and even less radical joint struggles continue in parallel like Sheikh Jarakh, Taayush in the south and "militants for peace".

textPalestine-Israel, The joint struggle continue in spite of the huge changes in the region* 03:28 Thu 17 Mar by Ilan S. 1 comments

On the twelfth year of joined struggle in Bil'in it lost its glamour. Many of the activists lost the excitement of the direct action confrontation which is not a new thing any more. The expansion of the joint struggle to other locations and the expanding of the non armed struggle in the west bank contributed to it too. Many of the activists just "moved on" to a less intensive ways of life. But, some old time activists can not "let go". The other day, I searched the for the old site of: "This appeal, the first to call on-line for a boycott against Israel, was posted in April of 2001".( and read again our 35 original signatories of this pre-BDS. The majority are still in the struggle. Looking back on my 65 years of struggle I regard, this petition, the joint struggle in Bil'in and my stories from the year 2100 - 50 years after the revolution* as the most significant ones.

textPalestine-Israel, The eleven years joint struggle in Bil'in as a seed for the third youth intifada.* 16:36 Sun 21 Feb by Ilan S. 1 comments

At the beginning, the joint struggle in Bil'in of the Israeli Anarchists Against The Wall with the local activists differed only with a consisted Fridays direct actions against the construction of the separation fence. The Israeli state response was a prolonged effort to block the participation of the Israeli activists that failed due to geographic conditions, persistence of the Israeli activists, and our ingenuity. One of the restricting factors on the suppression efforts of the state forces was wide spread sympathy for these demos in the Israeli media, and public. In a desperate efforts the army sent covert agents to initiate stone throwing from the demo on the state force. After a long while they succeeded. Youngsters of the village got into the stone throwing habit. For years it was all over the media and contributed to the stone throwing culture of the Palestinian youth. This was a significant contributor factor to the already 4 months old "Children Intifada".

textPalestine-Israel, The joint struggle in the focus of the extreme right "leftists' bashing"* 15:09 Sun 14 Feb by Ilan S. 1 comments

The mounting international pressure on Israel with the B.D.S. as catalyst, initiated a rightist onslaught on the activists of the joint struggle. With cooperation of the main TV channel, two activists were arrested - even blamed to be involved in murder of a Palestinian collaborator of settlements... only to be released unconditionally weeks later. As part of the onslaught I got few seconds in the rightist item in the main TV news program summing our position that no state is a solution - not two states and even one democratic state is impossible to achieve before the Zionist settler colonialist project will be defeated by social revolution in the whole region. In another wide distribution of the rightist video item I was presented as claiming that the chant in the joint demos for freedom to Palestine from the river to the see is not a call for a state for the Palestinians, but for a joint secular democratic state for all the inhabitants - Palestinians, Jews, and others... It seems we owe them rightists for the wide publicity.

textPalestine-Israel, The first serious crack in the Israeli Zionist ruling elite* 16:55 Thu 28 Jan by Ilan S. 0 comments

It is hard to assess what is the part of the joint struggle and the B.D.S. in the serious crack in the Israeli elite. It was expressed by the leader of biggest opposition party - The Zionist List which suggested a partial agreement of withdrawal (even from part of the expanded Jerusalem). Since 1967 war, all the years the official position was that Israel will retreat from most of the occupied territories of the 1967 war if the Palestinian will agree to a peace pact that will include among other conditions the non return of the 1948 refugees. As it was clear that no Palestinian leadership will be able to do that it was clear to all that the monolithic consensus of the Zionist parties is to continue the occupation for ever. It is not surprising that even the leader of the radical leftist Zionist party Merets oppose this radical suggestion for withdrawal with out the (non achievable) final peace pact.

textPalIsra, It is already one state even if no one recognize it as such except the hard liners rightist... 21:12 Wed 13 Jan by Ilan S. 0 comments

The bad news are that the overwhelming majority of the Israelis support it - including the centrists and even the Zionist left (who claim they want "two states" solution but with impossible pre conditions). The good news are that the imperial powers whose support to the status qua are gradually yielding to public opinions pressure of their citizens who do not agree with the Israeli apartheid-transferor regime. The non armed joint struggle initiated wide attention and drew participants from all over the world with international movement dedicated to put end to the Israeli occupation. (A short video about two kids in Bil'in got in few days two million views.). The anarchists against the wall and other like minded among the palestinians and abroad still struggle for the end of the Zionist settler colonialist/transferor project and not just for the end of 1967 occupation. [Italiano]

textPal-Isra: The third intifada is officially in... the joint struggle do not yield to mounting pressur... 20:11 Mon 21 Dec by Ilan S. 0 comments

The Israeli authorities admit it have no solution or a strategy to stop or even restrict the third "unorganized" mainly individualist and of youth. The mass arrest of hundreds of under age children do not seems to have any effect. The transfer efforts do not stop, and even increase in the Jordan valley, area C, Jerusalem, and even within the 1948 borders. The controversy in the Israeli media is mainly about the admitting it is already one state and about initiating a better Bantustan order before international pressure will force a more substantial retreat from 1967 expansion. The B.D.S. media news are usually restricted only to dramatic additions in it. The Nebi Saleh community is in the focus of the efforts to stop the joint struggle and its Friday demos. In spite of it, the regular Bil'in, Ni'ilin, Nebi Saleh, Ma'asarah, Qaddum, Sheikh Jarrah, West of Hebron Hills are accompanied from time to time by other communities.

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