Last rays shed light on winning image

November Winner. Photo: Jonathan Armstrong/Clique.

To view the gallery of highly commended and finalist images, visit our Winning Photos Archive.

Jonathan Armstrong, a Sydney photographer, felt he had a great opportunity at Bondi one hot March afternoon as the sun punctured a set of low rain clouds just before dusk.

"I was hypnotised by the warm, golden glow," Armstrong said. "I saw a woman using the railing to stretch. It was still raining lightly. I set my 24mm-70mm zoom on its widest setting and walked up as close as I could. I only managed to take a couple of shots before she walked away."

Armstrong's photo of the woman stretching on a railing, silhouetted against golden light and the backdrop of Bondi Beach, won the Clique November Challenge which had the theme "landscapes and weather".

"I often shoot into the sun because I love getting lots of drama in my shots," Armstrong said. "And I knew that without her in the foreground, I didn't have the shot I wanted."

Armstrong, 48, was heavily influenced as a youngster by his dad, a passionate photographer in his spare time.

"As a child I spent many years in the darkroom with dad, developing film and making prints. He won quite a few AIPP [Australian Institute of Professional Photography] and BJP awards, and had seven one-man exhibitions. He never criticised my work – only encouraged me, asking 'Do YOU like it?'" Armstrong said.

Sydney Morning Herald photographer Wolter Peeters judged the competition and said of Armstrong's winning entry: "Jonathan's photograph was a clear standout, combining the elements of the warm late afternoon light and the human forms to create something really quite beautiful. At any other time of the day the result would be left wanting, but Jonathan's understanding of his subject matter is clearly evident.

"The broad range of quality entries submitted gives an insight into the lengths some people were prepared to go to capture their environment at its best."

Armstrong said he didn't focus on any particular type of photography but was influenced by masters such as Henri Cartier-Bresson, Sebastiao Salgado, Andreas Feininger and Elliott Erwitt.

Armstrong wins a Clique prize pack, including a 12-month subscription to the Adobe Creative Cloud Photography plan, a portfolio review by a Fairfax photographer, a custom poster from PosterCandy and a framed 16x20 inch print of his winning image.

To vote on the Nikon People's Choice Award for the November Challenge, visit cliquephotos.com.au. Voting closes on Tuesday, November 29 at 10am AEDT. The winner will be announced on the Clique Photos Facebook page, and will receive a $500 Nikon Store voucher.

Clique Photo Club is run by The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age photography departments. It aims to inspire and to teach better photography through monthly competitions as well as workshops and events. To join, go to cliquephotos.com.au.