

The four charts that show Australia is a better society than America

In the wake of Donald Trump's surprise election victory the former Australian Prime Minister, Paul Keating, made a bold claim. "Ours is a better society than the United States" he told ABC TV.

Comparing whole societies can be tricky but there's plenty of data to back him.

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The former prime minister tells ABC's 7:30 that Australia should assert its own foreign policy in the Asian region. (Vision courtesy: ABC)

Take the Human Development Index, a league table of countries collated by the United Nations each year. It ranks countries according to three fundamentals that determine quality of life: health, educational attainment and incomes.

Australia was second in the world in the last report, just behind Norway. And we'd probably be number one if our temperate weather was taken into account. The US was ranked eighth.

One reason we're comfortably ahead of the US on the UN's index is our health statistics. Australia's life expectancy at birth reached 82.8 years in 2015, the world's fourth highest the latest World Health Organisation data shows. That's more than three years longer than the US which is ranked 31st at 79.3 years (Chile, Costa Rica and Greece are all higher). Life expectancy at birth is especially good for Australian men. It has climbed to 80.9 years - just a few months behind the top two Switzerland (81.3) and Iceland (81.2).


But its not just longevity that sets Australia apart. In September Australia was ranked among the world's ten healthiest countries by the Sustainable Development Goals Index, perhaps the comprehensive assessment of the burden of disease and living standards ever. The study, published by The Lancet in September, benchmarked 188 countries against 33 health-related indicators linked to the UN's sustainable development goals. Australia was in 10th place well ahead of the US in 28th position.

A separate report by Bloomberg which assessed the efficiency of 55 national health care systems in 2014 ranked Australia at number 10 which was 40 places better than the US lagging in 50th position. We spend a smaller proportion of our gross domestic product on health care than the US but get better health outcomes across the whole population.

A key reason Keating gave for Australian society's superiority over America's was greater fairness.

An indicator called the Gini Coefficient can shed light on how fair a country is. It summarises the distribution of a nation's total income in single number between zero and 1, where zero means everyone has same income and 1 means a single individual has the entire nation's income. The latest comparison by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development shows America had a Gini Coefficient of just over 0.4 in 2013 while Australia's was about 0.34 meaning the income gap between richest and poorest was significantly bigger in the US than in Australia.

Another indicator of fairness is the share of all income that accrues to the richest 1 per cent of the population. Analysis by French economist, Thomas Piketty, found that for most of the past century the "1 per cent" in Australia has received a smaller share of total income than their American counterparts. And the gap has widened since the 1980s. Piketty calculates that in 2010 the top 1 per cent of American earners snared nearly 18 per cent of the total income share, while the top 1 per cent of Australian earners received about 10 per cent.
