Federal Politics

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during question time last week.

Turnbull calls poll for July 2

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is about to make his pitch to voters to re elect his government ahead of the July 2 election.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during a joint press conference with Defence Minister Marise Payne and Chief of Navy ...

Politics Live: April 19, 2016

Only 74 days to go people. We are in the warm up campaign following the Senate's rejection of the government's building watchdog legislation which handed Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull a trigger for a double dissolution election.

Future, tense: Malcolm Turnbull needs a strong win to have credibility.

Politics Live: April 18, 2016

Australia faces a double dissolution election on July 2 after the Senate rejected Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's building industry watchdog legislation.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during a press conference at Parliament House in Canberra on Wednesday 16 March 2016. ...

Politics Live: March 17, 2016

It's the last day of the sitting week although the Senate is expected to sit late into the night to pass the government's upper house voting changes. And lower house MPs will have to stick around to approve the changes. So it's not quite the last day. Between now then things could get a bit testy.