Federal Politics

Peter Dutton blames Bill Shorten for whipping up hysteria over Lebanese-Muslim comments

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Immigration Minister Peter Dutton has turned the heat on those who have criticised him for his comments on terrorism problems in the Lebanese-Australian community, asserting that everything he has said is factual and that Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has been deceptive.

Last week, Mr Dutton said that the Fraser government had made mistakes in letting some migrants into Australia from the Lebanese Civil War in the 1970s, referring to advice that 22 of 33 terrorism offenders were second and third-generation Lebanese-Muslim Australians.

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Dutton's blame game

Bill Shorten is "sneaky and tricky" according to Peter Dutton who believes he's been misrepresented by the Labor leader.

He said that refugee groups are now reviewed and if "particular cohorts, particular nationalities, particular people" are not integrating then others are considered instead.

Mr Shorten called the Immigration Minister's comments "loud, lazy, disrespectful, wholesale labelling of entire communities for the actions of a tiny minority" and the Greens said they were racist.

But Mr Dutton is standing firm, saying he has spoken the truth and that the Opposition Leader has "sought to completely misrepresent what I said".

"The point that I was making is that we should call out the small number within the community – within the Lebanese community – who are doing the wrong thing," he told Sydney radio station 2GB.


"If we do that, we can hold up the vast majority of people within the Lebanese community who work as hard as you and I do, who have contributed to society, who are captains of industry, people that have worked hard, provided their kids with an education."

Mr Dutton said these people were being "besmirched" by the small minority who have been involved in terrorist and criminal behaviour.

"The facts here are indisputable, which is why I feel comfortable where I am. I'm on safe ground because I've relied on the facts. If people don't understand the history, then they will make the same mistakes into the future."

Fairfax Media understands Mr Dutton's figures referred to terrorism-related convictions since 2001, including from the high-profile Operation Pendennis arrests in 2005.


Lebanese Muslim Association president Samier Dandan said the Immigration Minister was guilty of exploiting bigotry for political gain.

"Let us not beat around the bush here: what Mr Dutton said was racist, what he implied was racist and the lack of outrage in Parliament reflects on the racism underscoring much of how we talk about minorities in Australia," he said.

Terrorism expert Greg Barton said there were lessons to be learned from the problematic Lebanese Civil War intake but that Mr Dutton's comments were "unfortunate".

"He's speaking to an issue where we need to try and understand what is going on but the way it was expressed and handled was unfortunate because, rather than having an open and frank discussion, instantly everyone's back is up and people are feeling aggrieved," Professor Barton told Fairfax Media.

"We're talking about an exceedingly small number of people in the Lebanese community. It is true that community is over-represented, particularly in the current issue with terrorism recruitment, but the flip side is it's a small section of that community."

Jacinta Carroll, head of counter-terrorism policy at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, said Mr Dutton's figures are correct but "don't tell us much that is helpful".

"Fortunately in Australia to date the numbers of supporters of Islamist extremism and terrorism are very low; so low, in fact, they're categorised as cases and clusters rather than being statistically useful," she wrote in an opinion piece for Fairfax Media.

"The figure of 22 represents less than 0.01 per cent of the about 180,000 Australians of Lebanese background, according to the ABS."

History of concern about 1970s intake

Fraser-era cabinet papers released in 2007 showed officials were worried about relaxed eligibility requirements for the intake, saying some of the migrants lacked qualities considered important for integration, with some unskilled, illiterate and of poor character.

A submission by Mr Dutton to the national security committee of cabinet, obtained by Fairfax and the ABC in February, said these relaxed migration requirements "led to the transportation to Australia of a Sunni community which included elements who already held extremist beliefs, or who were more highly receptive to extremist messages."

The submission also observed inadequate resettlement services, which have since been improved, and "social alienation, lack of opportunity and uncertain identity" as negative factors.

Lebanese-Australian communities experience higher unemployment, lower incomes and poorer education levels and are over-represented in the justice system.

Recently, law enforcement officials and security experts have observed a strong connection between extremist activity and notorious organised crime networks, particularly those in Western Sydney, which maintain links to communities in Lebanon.

Mostly spurred by concerns about criminal behaviour within the Sudanese community, a parliamentary committee will consider migrant settlement in Australia and youth gang activity next year. The inquiry will consider English language skills and whether visa rules adequately consider migrants' prospects for successful resettlement.

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