Federal Politics

Heath Aston

Heath Aston is a federal political correspondent. Most recently Heath was the state political editor for the Sun-Herald. Before joining the NSW press gallery he worked for newspapers in Sydney and London.

Australia is set to overtake Qatar as the world's biggest exporter of LNG by 2020.

Nigeria 'takes more in oil and gas revenue than Australia'

The governments of Nigeria, Indonesia and Malaysia - Australia's competitors in the oil and gas export sector - extract twice as much tax revenue from petroleum companies as a proportion of production than the federal and state governments combined.

Mr Emerson believes particular scrutiny should be given to extra concessions won by the oil and gas sector since the tax ...

Ex-minister Emerson urges inquiry into LNG tax revenue hole

One of the architects of Australia's tax system on natural resources, Craig Emerson, has backed calls for a parliamentary inquiry into why the boom in liquefied natural gas exports is failing to deliver any meaningful contribution to the public purse.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull says Immigration Minister Peter Dutton (right) has suffered constant, often vicious attacks.

Lawyers want PMs in dock over asylum detention

Every Australian prime minister from John Howard onward should be investigated for crimes against humanity in relation to the indefinite detention of asylum seekers, a group of international lawyers claims.