Pretty Pics Of Aussie Snowfalls, One Week Out From Summer

And it's going to stay coolish through the weekend.

24/11/2016 10:13 AM AEDT | Updated 24/11/2016 11:07 AM AEDT
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Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr-ing on summer.

If you live in Australia's south-east and you thought there was a bit of a nip in the air today, you're not imagining it.

Things will warm up on Thursday afternoon, but a nice little wintry blast went through overnight, which left about 5cm of snow on the Australian Alps. Which was a nice little trick by the weather, just one week out from summer.
This was Thredbo at about 10 am on Thursday. It snowed all the way down to the village overnight but is quickly melting.

Has the weather gone mad? Nope. Are brief cold outbursts from the Southern Ocean completely normal at this time of year? Uh-huh. Does this make climate change a hoax? Not even close.

The snow started late Wednesday and fell in both NSW and Victoria. Here's a lovely, artful video from Falls Creek in Victoria. Snow and flowers. Flowers and snow. Like caramel and salt, these two things shouldn't go together, and yet they do.

Now here's a video of snow falling in slow motion, also from Falls Creek. Slow snow is a thing now, apparently.

Here's a pic of the Happy Valley T-bar at Perisher in NSW on Thursday morning.

This one is from Mt Hotham in Victoria.

This one's a bit blurry, but it's the start of the Mt Kosciuszko walking track from Thredbo.


Ironically, the mountain bike season opened last weekend in Thredbo. Mountain biking can't happen until the winter snowpack melts. Then this happened.

Mountain biking is injecting a lot of life into our winter resorts over summer. Thredbo had 360 riders on the mountain last Saturday for its season opener. That's more than double the number it had last year.

Victorian ski resorts have also developed a series of trails across the hill for bike riders, but are yet to use the chairlifts for mountain access, as Thredbo does.

Temperatures will be coolish for the south-eastern capitals for the next few days. Sydney will hover in the low-to-mid twenties, but Melbourne will be lucky to break out of the teens. Adelaide can expect fine weather in the low to mid twenties for the day/night cricket Test which starts this Thursday.

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