Are bonds threatening to rain on Donald Trump's honeymoon?

President-elect Donald Trump's promise to wind back tough bank regulations introduced in the wake of the GFC will permit ...
President-elect Donald Trump's promise to wind back tough bank regulations introduced in the wake of the GFC will permit the big US investment banks to engage in more risky, but highly profitable, trading activities. AP

The euphoric Trump market honeymoon rolled on in Wall Street, lifting the blue-chip Dow Jones Industrial Average above the 19,000 level for the first time, while the S&P; 500 breached 2200.

Markets have been rallying strongly since Donald Trump's surprise election victory as investors believe that his promises of big tax cuts, higher spending on infrastructure and less regulation will boost company profits. Overnight, all three US indexes – the Dow, the S&P; and Nasdaq – closed at record highs for a second straight day.

The darlings of the latest rally have been the banks, which stand to benefit as stronger economic activity lifts the appetite for bank loans – particularly from small- and medium-size firms. And the outlook for stronger inflation – which has lifted US long-term interest rates – will help fatten the banks' interest rate margins.

In addition, Trump's promise to wind back tough bank regulations introduced in the wake of the global financial crisis will permit the big US investment banks to engage in some more risky, but highly profitable, trading activities.

But there is a threat to the sharemarket's rapture – and it's one that is already troubling the more level-headed players in the bond market: namely that Trump will struggle to deliver on some of his big-spending pledges.

Investors dumped bonds after his surprise election victory on fears that his new administration would run huge budget deficits, which would likely spur higher inflation and result in a huge increase in the supply of US government bonds. As a result, the yield on benchmark US 10-year bonds last week finished at 2.36 per cent, its highest level in 12 months. (Yields rise as bond prices fall.)

Reversal amid growing doubts

But since then bond investors have reversed their initial impulse and have started buying back long-term US bonds. As a result, the US 10-year bond yield dipped to 2.32 per cent overnight.

This reversal comes amid growing doubts as to whether Trump will be able to get Congressional backing for his big-spending plans, particularly given that Republicans have spent the past eight years issuing dire warnings about the looming national debt crisis.

It is of course possible that some Republican lawmakers will be swayed by Trump's argument that his plans to cut taxes and ramp up military and infrastructure spending will unleash strong economic growth, which will boost government revenues and help pay for the new spending.

But it's more likely that more hard-headed Republican fiscal hawks will demand some immediate cuts – particularly in US entitlement programs such as Medicare and Medicaid – in exchange for supporting Trump's spending program.

Some analysts argue that Trump is already watering down some of his earlier promises, pointing out that his earlier pledge for $US1 trillion ($1.35 trillion) in government-funded infrastructure spending seems to have morphed into a somewhat vague undertaking to provide tax credits for particular infrastructure projects.

They point out that it would be a huge shift in rhetoric for Congressional Republicans to support gaping budget deficits under a Trump administration, particularly since the Republican majorities in the US House of Representatives and Senate largely reflect the success of Republican candidates, who campaigned heavily on the need for fiscal austerity, in midterm elections in 2010 and 2014.

Dilution by Congress

It's also possible that a tight-fisted Congress might dilute some of Trump's plans for generous corporate tax cuts and a one-off reduction in the tax rate for US companies that bring back some of the estimated $US1.8 trillion in cash they're holding offshore.

Investors are hoping that much of this repatriated cash will be spent on funding share buybacks – which boost earnings per share and help boost share prices – as happened in the last corporate tax holiday in 2004.

But some analysts point out that plans for corporate tax cuts and tax amnesties on repatriated cash could be delayed if they are caught up in wider negotiations between the Trump administration and Congressional Republicans.

They argue it is significant that Trump made no mention of tax cuts or tax holidays for cash held offshore – or even of infrastructure spending – in the YouTube video he released which set out his priorities for his first 100 days.

Not that such concerns are likely to ruffle the euphoria of equity investors who, at least for the time being, appear determined to test just how far this rally can run.