Tension as King & Wood Mallesons contemplates Europe exit

KWM chief executive partner Sue Kench was among leaders surveyed on the turbulent legal services industry.
KWM chief executive partner Sue Kench was among leaders surveyed on the turbulent legal services industry. Sasha Woolley
by Katie Walsh

The European arm of global firm King & Wood Mallesons may exit the global empire after partners in the region failed to commit to an intense recapitalisation program.

The stalemate could force a dramatic end to the saga surrounding a £35 million ($59 million) blackhole in its European and Middle Eastern offices.

After six months of efforts, European partners voted against a final recapitalisation bid involving a 12 month commitment and £14 million in contributions. They are now considering their options, including mergers.

KWM is not alone among firms facing an unfolding drama: Ashurst partners are coming to grips with a move to annual profit distribution, DLA Piper are handling the shock resignation of local leader John Weber and others are busy shutting down rumours of merger talks.

A new survey polling the leaders of some of the nation's most prominent law firms, KWM among them, shows the difficulties faced by law firms in the intensely disrupted legal services market.

More than half – 60 per cent – elected strategic focus as the most important part of the role. The remaining 40 per cent put "people" at the top.

Profit seen as king

Overwhelmingly, and apparent in the crises seen at a number of firms, the leaders saw profit as king and their most important driver, one noting that "you can't eat revenue or receivables".

Profit was the primary financial responsibility for 90 per cent of the surveyed leaders, far surpassing turnover and partner remuneration.

KWM chief executive partner Sue Kench disagreed with the vast majority of her peers on the profit point. 

"In my view culture and people are king and profit is an outcome," she said.

Eaton Capital Partners partner Justin Whealing, author of the survey, said that "profit and people is what keeps law firm leaders awake at night".

Interestingly given global headaches for some, 5 per cent said their ability to make key decisions was limited by the large size of the firm and offshore senior positions; another 30 per cent said it was influenced by culture. None thought it was "frustratingly lacking".

"Large firms depend on culture: without it they are just a web of mutual self-interest," said one.

Mr Whealing's survey polled leaders at 20 of the nation's most prominent law firms, including KWM's Ms Kench, Maddocks' Michelle Dixon, Clayton Utz's Robert Cutler, Baker & McKenzie's Chris Freeland, Herbert Smith Freehills' Sue Gilchrist, Squire Patton Boggs' John Poulson and Gilbert + Tobin's Danny Gilbert.

Technology the big disrupter

In a sign of the disrupted times, new law innovator Keypoint Law's Warren Kalinko and PwC Legal's Tony O'Malley were among those polled.

Tellingly, 75 per cent of respondents thought the extensive global network of accounting firms was attractive to clients or their different model would appeal to some.

Only 25 per cent wrote them off as no real threat; one admitting they have scale, client cover and cross sell and "should never be taken for granted".

But more than any other, the biggest change expected in the coming five years was in technology (50 per cent), not global firm domination (20 per cent) or boutiques (30 per cent). Artificial intelligence was backed as a positive change bringing greater efficiencies by almost two thirds.

On remuneration, 30 per cent view equity partner cuts as unsustainable or due to fall over time; the remainder see them as "fair".

"Disruption is going to be the norm and you have to be nimble and agile to survive," one leader noted.

Mr Whealing said as clients were becoming more sophisticated, they were becoming more wedded to key people over firms, giving high performing partners "a large amount of leverage".

KWM considers options

For KWM, the fate of its European arm will take more time to resolve. In a statement, KWM said "regrettably, insufficient value of new capital was committed".

After six months of recapitalisation talks, the final bid came last weekend as European partners considered a plan to stay for 12 months and stump up a reported £14 million, supplemented by a contribution from their Asian counterparts.

They overwhelmingly voted against the option.

"The firm will continue to service the needs of clients, operating on a business as usual approach.  The [Europe, British and Middle East] Partnership Board and management are considering a range of strategic options, including mergers, in conjunction with the firm's bankers and financial advisers."

The firm operates as a Swiss verein, which means the European arm could separate relatively cleanly and drop the KWM brand, leaving the Chinese and Australian entities intact.

While some in the industry consider such a move would bring untold damage to the firm's strong brand, others view it as the only way to cleanse the firm of its European troubles, particularly following the departure of a number of top-earning talent.

Troubled process

Sources say the tie-up was troubled from the start.

SJ Berwin, the firm with which KWM merged to build its presence in the region, was a silver circle firm that London lawyers say was generally lacklustre but had outstanding individual partners in particular areas.

Those partners have been beating a path to the door in the past year; more are rumoured to be stalking the corridors of rival firms in search of a new home.

This week has also seen rival firm Ashurst confirm a new distributions policy, moving from quarterly to one single annual payment to partners from May.

"This completes the process of harmonising partner payment arrangements that we discussed at the time of merger," said an Ashurst spokeswoman.
