Bank inquiry report targets big-four oligopoly

Andrew Thorburn, CEO of NAB, appears before MPs Matt Thistlethwaite and David Coleman on the House of Representatives ...
Andrew Thorburn, CEO of NAB, appears before MPs Matt Thistlethwaite and David Coleman on the House of Representatives standing committee on economics in October. Andrew Meares

The parliamentary inquiry into the big major banks has claimed that their market dominance has "significant adverse consequences for the economy and consumers" and proposes a range of measures to encourage new entrants and to monitor competition in the sector.

The House Economics Committee led by David Coleman proposed, in its report released on Thursday, that a new unit should report to the government twice a year to fill "gap in the regulatory framework," and that steps should be taken to make it easier to obtain a banking licence.

The committee also proposed rules that would force the banks to share customer data with other competitors, with a framework to be in place by July 2018, a move that could encourage greater transparency in the pricing of loans and other products.

But the steps may not go far enough enough for some in eroding the dominance of the banks.

In dissenting against the report, Labor members of the committee said the banks were abusing their market position by not passing on the full extent of recent Reserve Bank interest rate cuts to their customers and by raising deposit rates.

"The banks have been short-changing Australian mortgage holders and making additional profits on the back of it," the Labor members said.

This gap in the framework existed because the competition watchdog deferred monitoring of the banking sector to other agencies that did "not have a clear mandate to promote [banking] competition".

The committee said it was "surprising that no Australian government has completed a wholesale review of competition in the banking sector in recent times".

The findings are somewhat at odds with the extensive "Financial Systems Inquiry" report released in late 2014 which was mandated to examine the issue of competition into the banking system and concluded that a review into the competitive landscape be conducted every three years.

Among the key recommendations of the FSI was a change in the mortgage risk-weights to reduce the major banks' advantage of being able to hold less capital.

The report said limited competition in banking created "moral hazard" that forced the banks to take undue risks because they were seen as "too big to-fail", reduced incentives to invest and innovate, and allowed them to use pricing power to extract larger profits from customers.

It cited evidence of the big banks' pricing power in the the widening of home loan margins relative to the cash rate of 2 percentage points since 2000, an average of 19 moves in the home lending rate that left consumer worse off compared with one favourable move since 2000, and the fact that when banks increased rates "out of cycle", the other major banks followed within the same month.

"The major banks' pricing power is also observable in the fact that they closely follow one another's price changes, rather than attempting to increase their market share," the report said.

Committee chairman David Coleman pressed the bank chiefs at the inquiry hearings in October on whether they should introduce "tracker mortgages".

These loans would force banks to commit to a set rate above the Reserve Bank cash rate, and therefore reduce their ability to exert pricing power.

The report stopped short of mandating banks to offer these products but welcomed regional lender AusWide Bank's decision as a "notable response to some of these problems".

The lack of competition in Australia's banking sector, the committee report said, had a number of causes. They were the major banks' lower cost structures, higher barriers to entry and consumer inertia.