Welcome to Relationships Australia

Relationships Australia is a leading provider of relationship support services for individuals, families and communities. We aim to support all people in Australia to achieve positive and respectful relationships.

We are a community-based, not-for-profit Australian organisation with no religious affiliations. Our services are for all members of the community, regardless of religious belief, age, gender, sexual orientation, lifestyle choice, cultural background or economic circumstances.

We offer services around the country that include counsellingfamily dispute resolution (mediation) and a range of family and community support and education programs.

We are a federation of service providers in each Australian state and territory and have a national office based in Canberra.

For crisis support please call LifeLine on 13 11 14.

If you are in immediate danger call 000

What's New

White Ribbon Day

White Ribbon Day

This Friday 25 November 2016, all Australians are invited to help build a future free from violence and abuse.


Stop it at the Start

Stop it at the Start

A new campaign is encouraging all Australians to help break the cycle of violence through conversations of respect.


Statement on Marriage Equality Plebiscite

Relationships Australia has released a statement explaining our position on the marriage equality plebiscite.