I am honored to work with the President-elect on his vision to make American education great again. The status quo in ed is not acceptable.
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I am honored to work with the President-elect on his vision to make American education great again. The status quo in ed is not acceptable.
15 y/o
Shot & killed by a 62 y/o white man after accidentally bumping into him at the store
http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/king-black-teen-james-means-killed-remorseless-white-man-article-1.2884929 …pic.twitter.com/VfXnFJbLfi
You guys have won the challenge!!! You destroyed it! My old dusty channel just broke 10 MILLION subs. 2 channels in 1 month. Thank you!! pic.twitter.com/ggBzTu8lVA
Kevin Love was unconscious in the 1st quarter, finishing with the 2nd most points in a quarter in NBA history.pic.twitter.com/pjxy0cUxmn
Now 13-2, the @warriors beat the @Lakers 149-106. Their win streak is up to 9 games thanks to a strong night from Curry (31p/9a).pic.twitter.com/XOxAvKyz2c
Happy birthday, @MileyCyrus! I love you and everything you stand for. I hope 24 comes in like a wrecking ball.pic.twitter.com/aLt5vRZdfA
The Warriors are having a damn blast and WTF are they doing????https://vine.co/v/5tlXIZw0zhh
Hello id like to order some competition please I don't have anypic.twitter.com/cocgW4uwsb
Congrats Margaret Hamilton on receiving the #MedalofFreedom today! You helped us make a 'giant leap' on moon landing http://go.nasa.gov/2g0V0Iv pic.twitter.com/5tE7tBv6mp
Best bday surprise ever from my loviessssss coming home to soooo much L.O.V.E!!!!!!! Wow !pic.twitter.com/k7AsxOLz66
Obama is the first president in a half century to leave office with a smaller federal prison population. http://nyti.ms/2fnsWhf pic.twitter.com/R14uO2LbmX
“Seattle’s the best team in the NFL, the most complete team.” http://on.nfl.com/RJcCRi pic.twitter.com/yOnOSfmcp1
I put myself on the naughty list this year...pic.twitter.com/6H1L9irV8T
There's LA traffic. There's Thanksgiving traffic. And then there's LA Thanksgiving traffic (via @ABC7)pic.twitter.com/e8gojmxY44
Here's the lyric video for 'This Town'
check it on on @vevo http://niall.to/thistownlyricvidTw …pic.twitter.com/SNaFRT8T8F
Jill Stein's recount effort surpasses its $2 million goal in hours http://huff.to/2f9ACIy pic.twitter.com/NjO9PXFAQJ
Hi! I raffle two shirts to show my gratitude towards your incredible support. Retweet if you want one. Thanks!!pic.twitter.com/XjY198M6OF
proud of my make up so here's some more selfies u kno pic.twitter.com/9Du8BWZQ1z
Let us give thanks for all that we have, and let us boldly face the exciting new frontiers that lie ahead. Happy Thanksgiving.pic.twitter.com/yH6LYdS2ts
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