- published: 29 Jan 2014
- views: 51664
Occupational safety and health (OSH) also commonly referred to as occupational health and safety (OHS) or workplace health and safety (WHS) is an area concerned with the safety, health and welfare of people engaged in work or employment. The goals of occupational safety and health programs include to foster a safe and healthy work environment. OSH may also protect co-workers, family members, employers, customers, and many others who might be affected by the workplace environment. In the United States the term occupational health and safety is referred to as occupational health and occupational and non-occupational safety and includes safety for activities outside work.
In common-law jurisdictions, employers have a common law duty to take reasonable care for the safety of their employees. Statute law may build upon this to impose additional general duties, introduce specific duties and create government bodies with powers to regulate workplace safety issues: details of this will vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is a non-departmental public body of the United Kingdom with its headquarters in Liverpool, England. It is the body responsible for the encouragement, regulation and enforcement of workplace health, safety and welfare, and for research into occupational risks in England and Wales and Scotland. Responsibility in Northern Ireland lies with the Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland. The HSE was created by the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, and has since absorbed earlier regulatory bodies such as the Factory Inspectorate and the Railway Inspectorate though the Railway Inspectorate was transferred to the Office of Rail Regulation in April 2006. The HSE is sponsored by the Department for Work and Pensions. As part of its work HSE investigates industrial accidents, small and large, including major incidents such as the explosion and fire at Buncefield in 2005. Though it formerly reported to the Health and Safety Commission, on 1 April 2008, the two bodies merged.
Safety is the state of being "safe" (from French sauf), the condition of being protected against physical, social, spiritual, financial, political, emotional, occupational, psychological, educational, or other types or consequences of failure, damage, error, accidents, harm, or any other event that could be considered non-desirable. Safety can also be defined to be the control of recognized hazards to achieve an acceptable level of risk. This can take the form of being protected from the event or from exposure to something that causes health or economical losses. It can include protection of people or of possessions.
There are two slightly different meanings of safety. For example, home safety may indicate a building's ability to protect against external harm events (such as weather, home invasion, etc.), or may indicate that its internal installations (such as appliances, stairs, etc.) are safe (not dangerous or harmful) for its inhabitants.
Discussions of safety often include mention of related terms. Security is such a term. With time the definitions between these two have often become interchanged, equated, and frequently appear juxtaposed in the same sentence. Readers unfortunately are left to conclude whether they comprise a redundancy. This confuses the uniqueness that should be reserved for each by itself. When seen as unique, as we intend here, each term will assume its rightful place in influencing and being influenced by the other.
Health is the level of functional or metabolic efficiency of a living organism. In humans it is the ability of individuals or communities to adapt and self-manage when facing physical, mental or social challenges. The World Health Organization (WHO) defined health in its broader sense in its 1948 constitution as "a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." This definition has been subject to controversy, in particular as lacking operational value and because of the problem created by use of the word "complete" Other definitions have been proposed, among which a recent definition that correlates health and personal satisfaction. Classification systems such as the WHO Family of International Classifications, including the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) and the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), are commonly used to define and measure the components of health. Health is that balanced condition of the living organism in which the integral, harmonious performance of the vital functions tends to the preservation of the organism and the normal development of the individual.
Introduction to Occupational Safety and Health Ftek UMP
This short video highlights the day-to-day activities you might expect to encounter when you are an Occupational Health and Safety Specialist. For more information about this career, including what you might earn, visit http://www.aie.org/plan-for-college/think-careers/career-choices/index.cfm?cid=10258 For more information about planning and paying for college, visit the pages listed below: Finding a career - http://www.aie.org/find-a-job/index.cfm?cid=10258 Planning for college - http://www.aie.org/plan-for-college/index.cfm?cid=10258 Paying for college - http://www.aie.org/pay-for-college/index.cfm?cid=10258 Managing your money - http://www.aie.org/manage-your-money/index.cfm?cid=10258 Please visit the Adventures In Education website at http://www.aie.org/index.cfm?c...
Health and Safety Induction film for work experience and work for dole participants. Provides a comprehensive overview of occupational health and safety protocol and regulations within Australia. OH&S; - Health and Safety Induction An Into People Inc. production. http://www.intopeopleinc.org
Department of Labor and Employment video on Drug Abuse, Tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, Smoking and Ergonomics in the workplace
The Department of Occupational Safety and Health at Murray State considers work-integrated learning through a required internship/co-op experience as one of the most important aspects of its undergraduate and graduate degree programs. Over the past five years, the OSH department has placed 450 interns in over thirty states and several foreign countries. We spoke with three current OSHA students who have benefited from the internship/co-op.
http://thebusinessprofessor.com/occupational-safety-and-health-act/ Occupational Safety and Health Act ( OSHA )
The objectives for this module are that, by the end, learners should be able to (1) describe the agencies and organizations that regulate occupational health and safety, (2) locate regulations and guidelines relevant to a particular workplace hazard, and (3) apply occupational exposure limits to assess exposure risks.
Tips for occupation health and safety management system.A good Health and Safety Management System will contain the following elements. For Industrial Safety related courses please visit here:http://www.greenwgroup.com/training-courses/nebosh Diploma in Industrial Safety in Kolkata Please contact below address: Contact: Ms. Neha Kabra E-Mail: neha.k@greenwgroup.com Mobile: 7208215232
Register today! http://www.extension.ualberta.ca/study/sciences/ohs/ Concern for health and safety in the workplace is increasing among workers and employers across all industries and society in general. This part-time U of A certificate program is designed to help practitioners from many different backgrounds develop the competencies needed to be effective in the development, implementation, and evaluation of health and safety programs and systems in a wide variety of occupational settings.
Introduction to Occupational Safety and Health Ftek UMP
http://thebusinessprofessor.com/occupational-safety-and-health-act/ Occupational Safety and Health Act ( OSHA )
A guide to Occupational health & safety in the work place.
The 2009 NORA Symposium was held May 20, 2009. The theme was "Where Are We with Occupational Safety and Health in the United States?". The featured speaker was Christine M. Branche, Ph.D., Acting Director of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).
A new tool for exposure and risk assessment in the workplace.
10th National Conference for Nursing Professionals Healthy Nurses: Perspective on Caring for Self
Jordan Barab, the Deputy Secretary Of Labor For Occupational Safety and Health spoke on June 3, 2015 at the national conference of the National Council for Occupational Safety and Health which was held near Baltimore, Maryland. For more information go to www.coshnetwork.org Production of Labor Video Project www.laborvideo.org
Keynote: Workplace Safety and Health, The Next 40 Years, Jordan Barab, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health, Occupational Safety and Health Administration
SUBCOMMITTEE ON WORKFORCE PROTECTIONS hearing at 1:00 p.m. in room 2261 Rayburn House Office Building. Hearing on “Protecting America’s Workers: An Enforcement Update from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.” The Honorable David Michaels, Ph.D., MPH, Assistant Secretary, Occupational Safety and Health, U.S. Department of Labor, is scheduled to testify.
Occupational safety and health (OSH) also commonly referred to as occupational health and safety (OHS) or workplace health and safety (WHS) is an area concerned with protecting the safety, health and welfare of people engaged in work or employment. The goals of occupational safety and health programs include to foster a safe and healthy work environment. OSH may also protect co-workers, family members, employers, customers, and many others who might be affected by the workplace environment. In the United States the term occupational health and safety is referred to as occupational health and occupational and non-occupational safety and includes safety for activities outside of work. Occupational safety and health can be important for moral, legal, and financial reasons. In common-law juris...
Occupational Health and safety in prawn processing IndustryTRAINING PROGRAMME ON 21-10- 2016 BHIMAVARAM (AP)