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Friday, November 25, 2016

The Prehistorics - Storm The Gates

The Prehistorics are a Australian rock'n'roll band hailing from Sidney and including main man Brendan Sequeira Vocals/guitar, Stu Greenwood Lead guitar/vocals, Jonathan Sequeira Bass guitar/vocals and  Alcides Stowe Drums/vocals. 

The band recently released its 4th full length, "Storm The Gates", on the independant Australian Record label  SONIC ARTILLERY RECORDS. The Album is brilliantly co-produced by Brendan and Michael Carpenter of the FINKERS fame. 

As far as I'm concerned, this is without any doubt their best record so far, filled with fat and heavy 70s guitars riffs supported by a tight and groovy rhythm section. And -most important- Brendan Sequeira knows how to pen great songs with plenty of hooks and sing-a-long choruses that stick in your head for days.

Yours truly had a little chat with the main man behind this amazing band.

1) What can you tell about The Prehistorics? How long are you guys together as a band? Were you in other bands previously? Way back in the day, your debut full length "Petrified" made quite an impression but I confess that after that I kinda lost track of The Prehistorics and I was not even aware of the following 2 records "Subterranean Nightmare" and "Playing with Fire". Shame on me! What happened for the band between the first album and the latest one?

THE PREHISTORICS were formed in 2002, with me on lead vocals and rhythm guitar, and my brother Jonathan on Bass. We worked with many different musicians filling various roles in the band, mostly because it was hard to find reliable people who were committed to the music. I think for many musicians these days, they have a short attention span and are too busy chasing ‘the next big thing’, rather than focussing on one or two projects and putting all their efforts into making that work. The Prehistorics for me, is my life and my oxygen so I have always given it the highest priority. I think, for many other musicians, music is just a hobby to be honest, whilst I have very clear objectives and want to do my maximum to realise my dreams.

Jonathan and I started our first band together around 1986, called The Guttersnipes, in Sydney Australia, and at that time we played a mix of punk and power-pop covers as well as about 50 per cent originals. Then we played in a more hardcore pop band called Deep Dish Action, before forming The Prehistorics nearly 15 years ago. With The Prehistorics, we put out our first album in 2009 and released the video ‘Zombie Generation’, which kind of launched the band and got us a lot of attention. After that album, The Prehistorics released ‘Subterranean Nightmare’ with a number of videos such as ‘Rock ‘n Roller Coaster’ and ‘Attack of The Klingons’, through MGM Distribution. This record really saw us maturing and finding our sound. We toured Europe soon after that, in 2013 and did really well in France so we came back again in 2014 with the release of the 3rd album “Playing With Fire” and suddenly got a solid reputation as a scorching live act I guess.

2) About the new record "Storm The Gates", is this the record of the big break through? can you explain the choice of the title and the very "revolution française" artwork?

Storm The Gates is the album I am probably most proud of because I wrote it very quickly and wrote all the songs on it, under a lot of personal pressure. The whole concept of the record is to try to wake people up and get them to be true individuals and challenge the injustices of this world. I don’t have a master plan for that, LOL, but I do think society has become very conservative and brainwashed, many people are like sheep and they need to wake up to what is real and important in the world. I liked the whole French revolution concept and the artwork of some of the great painters so I wanted to incorporate that into the front cover, but also adding a sense of humour to make the point that life can also be fun and silly whilst also standing up for what is right. As for whether or not this record is ‘the big break through’, I guess that’s for others to decide. For me, it is the most complete and satisfying piece of art I have ever made and I feel like I made no compromises on this record. I did exactly what I wanted to do so it feels right to me. Critics have praised the album so I suppose I am hitting the mark there too, which is important, but the most important thing is that I feel that I have made a great record and my fans agree too.

3) To what kind of music did you listen to as a teenager and does it still influence your today work? What was your favorite band as a teenager? Name 3 bands that you consider still have a influence on your own work today.

The Prehistorics sound is really a combination of all of my favourite bands and musical influences. There’s elements of The Clash and The Damned in there as well as The MC5, Redd Kross and Radio Birdman, plus all the underground Australian bands from the late 70’s to the 80’s. This was the ‘golden era’ in Australian music and there were literally hundreds of amazing, creative bands out there, playing every night of the week. I was lucky to see many of them!

4) Is there a main composer in the band or is everybody involved in one way or another?

I pretty write everything these days, the music and the lyrics and even on the previous records, I wrote or co-wrote just about every song. For me, the band has always been my ‘ baby’ and my strengths are as a songwriter, so I have taken on that role mostly because I was the best qualified to do it. On the other hand, so many people have helped along the way so that I could achieve the goals of the band, after all, I’m not a one-man band, but it has to be said that the main direction and sound of the band has been driven by my catalogue of song ideas. As a musician generally, I am the first to admit there are better guitarists out there than me, but I seem to have had a better concept of the ‘black arts’ of song-writing, so I have tried to use my abilities as the main force behind the music.

5) The Prehistorics could be compared to Hoodoo Gurus, The Screaming Tribesmen or The Huxton Creepers. Do you agree with this comparaison or do you consider there is way more than that?

I love those bands! Such high praise too, to be compared with those legends! They are truly amazing and part of the legendary Australian music scene of that era, so yes, they all totally influenced me. The Hoodoo Gurus are one of the greatest bands to have ever walked the earth and Dave Faulkner is a legend. I mean, who can write songs like that? He never  misses. The Screaming Tribesman were another favourite of mine along with The Hitmen and Radio Birdman. Just listen to the killer guitar work on their records, Chris Mazuak is a genius really and has an amazing body of work to prove it. Just listen to his latest record, it’s on the money.

6) Is the album closer from the new LP, "La Fleur De La Liberte", about the events that took place in Paris last year in November??

Yes, you are exactly right. I was very moved by the tragedy in France in Paris, in November last year so I wrote that song the week after the event. I have many close connections in France and I actually lived there for about a year which was just fantastic. The country is going through so much turmoil at the moment and in fact, when I was living in the south of France earlier this year, the tragedy in the city of Nice also happened, which was devastating. My heart goes out to all the people there, I just wish everyone on this planet could get along and stop all the killing and murdering. Nothing was ever solved by that.

7) What can concert goers expect at a The Prehistorics gig? Are you playing any famous cover songs?

We always think about giving our fans the very best material from our catalogue of 40 plus songs so we will be playing all the old favourites, all the video songs, plus a number of tracks from the new album. I am really excited about playing La Fleur De La Liberte in France to pay my respects to my French friends. The set will be pretty rock’n though as always, because we play with a lot of energy and with our hearts, so I reckon it will be a high-energy concert. We often throw in a few covers too from bands like The Lime Spiders, Radio Birdman (we do a cover of the classic song ‘What Gives’) and maybe a few more surprises!

8) Does Sydney, Australia have a long history of rock bands, that goes way back to the 70/80's?

Back in the 70’s and right through to the early 90’s, the whole of Australia was such an awesome place for rock ‘n roll. ACDC pretty much started in Sydney and then there were the other great bands like The Angels, Rose Tattoo and The Sunnyboys, all pretty much based in Sydney. When the alternative music scene started we had Radio Birdman, The Gurus and about a million other great bands in Sydney and Australia. Of course there were The Saints too in Brisbane and they really put Australian punk on the world stage. I just wish there were more bands like this these days. It seems that much of the audience has moved on and is too ready to consume all of the corporate crap that they are fed rather than seek out underground music that has meaning and purpose. I mean, there are still great bands to be found, you just gotta dig deep to find them. LOL, that’s what my song “Tales From The Underground” on the 3rd album, was really all about!


STORM THE GATES is available on CD , coloured vinyl and digital download.

Purchase it here :

Wednesday, November 23, 2016



In wav (A) and FLAC (B and C) - scans are included

A) Time Bomb High School

 1. Stormy Weather   
 2. Staight Shooter  
 3. You're Not As Pretty    
 4. Brown Paper Sack     
 5. Wait And See     
 6. I Walk By Your House     
 7. Time Bomb High School  
 8. I Don't Believe   
 9. She's Bored With You   
 10. Reptile Style   
 11. I'm Holding Out  
 12. I Don't Know How To Tell You  
 13. Dressy  
 14. I'd Much Rather Be With The Boys  
 15. You're So Strange 


1. Find Me Now  
2. If You Can't Give Me Everything  
3. Funny Thing  
4. Medication Blues #1  
5. Carol  
6. What Could I Do?  
7. If Christmas Can't Bring You Home  
8. Pretty Girl  
9. Without You  
10. Don't Send Me No Flowers, I Ain't Dead Yet [Live] 


1. My Heart Is Beating  
2. Nobody Knows (But I Do)  
3. Break It One More Time  
4. Stop And Think It Over  
5. Cry About the Radio  
6. You're Never Gonna See Me Cry  
7. Dangerous Game  
8. Don't Come Back  
9. I Just Missed You  
10. Stitch In Time  
11. Tell Me What You Want Me To Do  
12. Heaven Only Knows  
13. I Don't Care  
14. You Can Stay With Me  
While Mary Weiss's name isn't familiar to the masses, her records with the Shangri-Las in the 1960s left an indelible mark on the cultural map. "Leader of the Pack," "Remember (Walking in the Sand)," and a string of other hits had her unmistakable voice blasting from radios and record players across the land. Just 18 when their last hit fell off the charts, Weiss, disillusioned from bad business deals, virtually disappeared. Now, 40 years later, comes her first solo album. Backed by Greg Cartwright and his band Reigning Sound, the songs (most of them penned by Cartwright) have their roots in the '60s, but eschew Spectorish sheen and density for a harder-edged sound. If the early-era Rolling Stones had been fronted by Debbie Harry, they'd have landed quite near this relentless 40-minute party. The few covers include an Ellie Greenwich/Jeff Barry chestnut, "Heaven Only Knows." Smartly paced, a few ballads offer some breathing room before the rhythm pumps up again. --David Greenberger!VcsSCAoQ!HAND5w--jfN2U9d3IpCJ-5SLM1zx7p6CiXngDJnauO0

Special Thanx to Limburg for this great contribution

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Tribute to Midnight Rambler (Sons of the Dolls)

It's exactly 2 years today since Patrick (Midnight Rambler) passed away. 

Take a minute to remember him while listening to one of his favorite bands.

Thanx to Remi for providing the goods.

The Shoes - Double Exposure (reupped by request)

The Shoes - Double Exposure
In Flac - Scans are included

Disc 1
01. Hangin' Around With You    -  
02. Every Girl    -  
03. Too Late    -  
04. Your Very Eyes    -  
05. Tomorrow Night    -  
06. Take You Away    -  
07. Jet Set (Ver. 1)    -  
08. Cruel You    -  
09. Three Times    -  
10. I Don't Wanna Hear It    -  
11. In My Arms Again    -  
12. Somebody Has What I Had    -  
13. I Don't Miss You    -  
14. Ever Again    -  
15. Now and Then    -  

Disc 2
01. When It Hits    -  
02. Only In My Sleep    -  
03. Yes Or No    -  
04. In Her Shadow    -  
05. Found A Girl    -  
06. She Satisfies    -  
07. The Things You Do    -  
08. A Voice Inside Me    -  
09. Jet Set (Ver. 2)    -  
10. Karen    -  
11. Hopin' She's The One    -  
12. Hate To Run    -  
13. Burned Out Love    -  
14. Girls Of Today    -  
15. Time To Make It 

The Shoes were one of the great Power Pop acts in the late 70s/early 80s. They had every right to be as popular as Cheap Trick, the Cars, et al, but somehow they never scored any hits. These 30 tracks are demos of the songs that would appear on the Shoes two masterpiece albums, Present Tense and Tongue Twister.

The melodies are sweet but with just enough of an edge to them - same with the music. It's like Cheap Trick but more introspective, the Cars but not as slick - four shy and nondescript guys from the Midwest who had a love of melodic music and a knack for creating great pop songs.

The songs make you feel like you're at the roller ring on a Friday night, slow dancing with your new girl, both of you with feathered hair and you with a comb in your back pocket. But this is not novelty music; it is some of the best power pop you'll ever hear, and these demos are a little rawer (and thus maybe more interesting) than the officially-released versions of the songs.

Special thanx to  JPaul for this brilliant contribution!!VVUX0ACJ!27bDRE5ad4aLMlOae2ptFbWKBmJ3PfIOHTo2YfKrYQ8

Saturday, November 19, 2016

The Resonars - 2013 - Crummy Desert Sound

The Resonars - 2013 - Crummy Desert Sound
In Flac - Scans are included

A1 Tomorrow Gears
A2 Invisible Gold
A3 The World Is Wrong
A4 A City Out Of Reach
A5 Expectations
A6 Midtown Island
B1 Vanishing People
B2 I Had A Dream
B3 John Stone Will Be Christian
B4 It's What They Do
B5 That Evil Drone
B6 Across The Golden Border

Super catchy, sonically wonderful -- like the best album you never heard by a 70s garage band, but with better hooks. All good.

Special thanx to Imelis for provinding the goods!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

The Resonars - 2002 - Lunar Kit

The Resonars - 2002 - Lunar Kit
In Flac - scans are included

1 A Slice Of Today  
2 Under Garden  
3 Why Does It Have To Be So Hard  
4 Retro Rocket  
5 She's In Love With Her  
6 Funny Old World  
7 Flood Lamp Eyes  
8 Lunar Kit  
9 Way Way Way Way Out  
10 Everything You Said  
11 Little Spoiled Baby

The Tucson, AZ-based Resonars are essentially a talented one-man band by the name of Matt Rendon, even though three other members -- vocalist John Rendon, bassist Michael "Mick" Huxley, and drummer Keith Lopez -- of the supposed four-piece combo are listed on the CD credits. Don't look to the liner notes to reveal any clues about the band, however, as they're penned by Rendon posing as producer Alfie McNabb. As before, Rendon played all of the instruments and sang all the vocals, four-tracking himself at his Coma Cave home studio. Rendon also remixed two psych garage tracks -- "Why Does It Have to Be So Hard?" and "A Slice of Today," which had appeared on a CD that accompanied the last issue of a Philadelphia-based fanzine, The Bob, in the fall of 2001.

Special thanx to Imelis for provinding the goods!

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Kurt Baker - Two Classic Albums on one CD

Kurt Baker - Two Classic Albums on one CD
In WAV - Scans are included

1. Just Forget About It 
2. Don't Steal My Heart Away 
3. Can't Have Her Back 
4. Kiss Me 
5. Why You Gotta Lie? 
6. The Problem 
7. Why You Gotta Lie? (Acoustic Demo) 
8. Let Me Out 
9. Hanging On The Telephone 
10. Pump It Up 
11. I've Done Everything For You 
12. Is She Really Going Out With Him? 
13. Cruel To Be Kind 
14. Turning Japanese 
15. Trouble Boys (Bonus Track)

The title says it all : This CD contains both albums "Got It Covered" and "Rockin For A Living" plus two rare bonus tracks "Why You Gotta Lie? (Acoustic Demo)" and "Trouble Boys".

Friday, November 11, 2016

The Higher State - Volume 27

The Higher State - Volume 27
In WAV - Scans are included

Long Someways To Go  
The Worst Of Their Treason  
When We Say  
I Suppose You Like That Now?  
Forest Through The Trees  
Pretending I'm Dead  
Break The News  
Reason For Today  
Killing Me Inside  
Tomorrow You'll Find Today  
Never Be That Man  
Smoke And Mirrors

Even reduced to the duo of Ratcliffe and Massis, who both pen all the songs, The Higher State manages to deliver its best record so far. Twelve tracks of ferocious garage punk and outsider lyricism from South-Coast based authentic sixties style garage punks. Volume 27 is the clear choice, it's the choice for you.

Special thanx to Imelis for provinding the goods!