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Investigations editor, The Age. Former Fairfax Media Indonesia Correspondent, 2012-2014


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  1. 转推了

    Ditching bananas and condoms to talk sexual "pleasure" in school. Sex ed in Oz gets a facelift. (Watch videos!)

  2. This is the government Tony Abbott quoted (favourably) when calling for a Muslim "reformation".

  3. ... and to a lot of (sensible) religious people I know

  4. An adult friend of mine with a pacemaker nearly died recently because he got whooping cough.

  5. 转推了
  6. ... because Kings NEEDS a second rifle range

  7. 转推了

    A friend a little disconcerted by her first gun show: "Fuck freedom. I've just spent the afternoon in a hall full of fucken freedom."

  8. 转推了

    Cabinet reshuffle:Turnbull announces new frontbench as Brough resigns. Is this the precursor to charges being laid?

  9. 转推了

    Energy Landscapes: An Aerial View Of Europe’s Carbon Footprint by : Yale Environment 360

  10. 转推了

    Thunderingly good op-ed from Robert Manne on today's case & the banality of evil.

  11. Is this the end of TAFE as we know it? The Feds propose taking over funding despite the debacle in vocational sector

  12. I'm not really sure the Mitchell Pearce question was an agenda-resetter, . Surely it's been all over the national agenda?

  13. First, devastating, view of what's left after fire ripped through irreplaceable forests in Tasmania

  14. 转推了

    nobody tells Bruce how to pronounce his names

  15. Somebody should tell Bruce McAvaney it's not Joke-avic

  16. 转推了

    Over. Huge performance from Raonic. Murray through in five.

  17. One occasion on which I'd rather hear from the loser.


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