Puerto Rican NAASN Members Start Infoshop!


After the conference, a group of us decided to start a new project in which we could further distribute and create ideas.  Because of a lack of good community spaces in Puerto Rico we are going to open an infoshop where we can create networks and relationships between ourselves and the local community.

Even though we already have the space, it needs a lot of love and care.  It is for this reason that we will try to open a Kickstarter account in order to deffroy some of the costs in getting started.  We are trying to create an open space which will hold projects such as workshops, a library, tutoring for kids, radical archives, film screenings, book and poetry readings, and pedagogical projects, among others.

This is wonderful news! Once the account becomes available, I hope that mainlanders will be able to contribute a few dollars and cents to our Puerto Rican comrades to make this worthwhile project a reality!