Clean Education Pro

Clean Education Pro – Premium Education WordPress theme for schools and academic institutions stays true to its name. It’s a Premium Education WordPress theme than ensures your education website is simple, clean and user-friendly. The responsive layout and beautiful design make your website look welcoming. It shows off your institution as a fun and inviting. With dedicated separate sections to display your best features to your visitors, Clean Education Pro truly has everything you need. With dedicated separate sections for courses, professors, recent news, events and testimonials, you can display your best features to your visitors. The comprehensive design makes sure your education website gains healthy exposure and creates the best first impressions. This theme is translation ready. For more details check out Theme Instructions.


Theme Options

The most powerful feature of Catch Themes is its Theme Options which will allow you to easily customize your website with clicks. So, now you no longer need to be a designer or a programmer to build customized websites. Theme Options allow you to toggle on and off features, adjust layouts, change colors, fonts, logo, favicon, background, add social links and custom CSS.

Responsive Design

One of the key features of our themes is that your website will magically respond and adapt to different screen sizes delivering an optimized design for iPhones, iPads, and other mobile devices. No longer will you need to zoom and scroll around when browsing on your mobile phone.

Featured Post Slider

Featured Slider is an option that is helpful to highlight noteworthy posts on your site. You can have columns of content as well as selected images set on your post slider. The fun part is, you get to decide for how long a post stays on your page before something else comes up on the slider. How will you make that happen? By exercising your control over different slide effects and their timing!

Custom Widgets

Our themes have widgetized areas commonly known as sidebar. Here, you can add up various widgets and customize their display to satisfy your unique needs.

Incredible Support

We have a great line of support team and support documentation. You do not need to worry about how to use the themes we provide, just refer to our Tech Support segment. Further, if you need to do advanced customization to your website, you can always hire our theme customizer!

Featured Image Slider

Featured Image Slider allows you to not only add images, but also write a description for them. If a descriptive caption would not suffice, you also have the option of providing a clickable link. This way, as per your unique needs, should you require, you can easily add a URL to your content.

Featured Page Slider

Featured Page Slider is an option that is helpful to highlight noteworthy pages on your site. You can have columns of content as well as selected images set on your page slider. The fun part is, you get to decide for how long a page stays on your page before something else comes up on the slider. How will you make that happen? By exercising your control over different slide effects and their timing!

Featured Content

Featured Content allows you to highlight your recent & popular posts on your website. It can either be displayed on Homepage or the entire site. You can add your title and sub-title for featured content, select the number of featured content, display Meta, select multiple categories, and enjoy displaying your featured & recent posts.

Custom Fonts

You can choose different types of stylish and engaging fonts for your Site Title, Tagline, Headline Tags, Content Title, and Content Body. Choose the font that suits best for your website from the font family options and makes your website more striking.

Hero Content

You can now display the best assets of your website with the Hero Content feature. The feature allows you to highlight the most important content in a fashion that is easily attention-grabbing. You can enable the hero content either on Homepage or the entire site. Hero Content - the easiest way to display your strengths.

WordPress Standard Codes

Our code is secure and optimized. We do proper data validation and sanitization and follow core theme guidelines. Our developers are active contributors to WordPress theme review and WordPress core. Our themes will always be updated as things change in WordPress.


People are always curious about what your goods and services are really like. Since customer testimonials are candid and not by the company promoting the product, they assist in building trust. You can display testimonials on Homepage, the entire site or disable it completely.


Portfolio empowers you to showcase your professional skills and accomplishments to the world at large. Display your Portfolio in an elegant manner on the Homepage/Frontpage, the entire site or you can also disable it completely if you don’t need it. An astounding way to easily display your experience, skills, talent, and expertise.

More Features

  • Theme Options
  • Responsive Design
  • Featured Slider
  • Webmaster Tools
  • Page Templates
  • Color Options
  • Featured Thumbnail
  • Threaded Comments
  • Dropdown Menu
  • Excerpt Length
  • Feed Redirect
  • Gravatar Ready
  • Localized for translations
  • Custom Header / Logo
  • Custom Favicon
  • Custom Menu
  • Custom Footer
  • Custom Background
  • Custom Layout
  • Custom Widget
  • Custom Fonts
  • Custom Shortcodes
  • Custom Homepage
  • Custom CSS
  • Advertisement Management
  • Support
  • WooCommerce Ready
  • WPML Ready
  • Hero Content
  • Portfolio
  • Logo Slider
  • Courses
  • Our Professors
  • News
  • Events
  • Testimonials
  • News Ticker
  • Featured Content
  • WordPress Standard Codes

Free Vs Pro (Premium)

Free Features Pro (Premium)
Responsive Design
Super Easy Setup
Color Options for various sections
Header Media
Primary Menu
Secondary Menu
Footer Menu
Comment Options
Courses: Page
Courses: Post
Courses: Category
Courses: Image
Events: Page
Events: Post
Events: Category
Events: Image
Excerpt Options
Featured content: Post
Featured content: Page
Featured content: Category
Featured content: Image
Featured Slider: Post
Featured Slider: Page
Featured Slider: Category
Featured Slider: Image
Feed Redirect
Font Family Options
Footer Editor Options
Hero Content:Post
Hero Content: Page
Hero Content:Category
Hero Content:Image
Default Layout: Primary Sidebar, Content
Default Layout: Left Sidebar (Content, Primary Sidebar)
Default Layout: No Sidebar(Content Width)
Default Layout: No Sidebar(Full Width)
Archive Content Layout: Show Excerpt(Image Left)
Archive Content Layout: Show Excerpt(Image Right)
Archive Content Layout: Show Excerpt(Image Top)
Archive Content Layout: Show Full Content(No Featured Image)
Single Page/Post Image
WooCommerce Layout
Logo Slider: Page
Logo Slider: Post
Logo Slider: Category
Logo Slider: Image
News: Post
News: Page
News: Category
News: Image
News Ticker: Post
News Ticker: Page
News Ticker: Category
News Ticker: Custom
Our Professors: Post
Our Professors: Page
Our Professors: Category
Our Professors: Image
Pagination Options
Porfolio: Post
Portfolio: Page
Porfolio: Category
Portfolio: Image
Portfolio: Jetpack Portfolio CPT
Promotion Headline: Page
Promotion Headline: Post
Promotion Headline: Category
Promotion Headline: Custom
Scroll Up Options
Search Options
Single Post Navigation
Social Links Custom
Testimonials: Post
Testimonials: Page
Testimonials: Category
Testimonials: Image
Testimonials: Jetpack Testimonial CPT
Update Notifier
WooCommerce Options
WPML Ready
WooCommerce Ready

Change Log

= 1.4.1 (Released: March 12, 2018) =
  • Bug Fixed: Design issue with Catch Infinite Scroll plugin
  • Bug Fixed: CT:Instagram widget image size issue
  • Update: CT: Instagram Widget updated due to changes in
= 1.4 (Released: March 06, 2018) =
  • Enhanced Security: Replaced wp_filter_post_kses with wp_kses_post
  • Updated: Code Optimization
= 1.3.3 (Released: January 13, 2018) =
  • Bug Fixed: CT: Instagram Widget thumbnail and small image sizes issue
= 1.3.2 (Released: December 08, 2017) =
  • Bug Fixed: Portfolio layout issue in chrome browser
  • Bug Fixed: Search box issue in iOS devices
= 1.3.1 (Released: November 27, 2017) =
  • Updated: JS compression update
= 1.3 (Released: October 03, 2017) =
  • Bug Fixed: Option to enable recent posts on Static Frontpage
= 1.2 (Released: September 20, 2017) =
  • Added: Option to disable recent posts in static frontpage
  • Bug Fixed: Frontpage layout
= 1.1.3 (Released: September 07, 2017) =
  • Bug Fixed: Removed post meta from search
  • Updated: Screenshot
= 1.1.2 (Released: August 30, 2017) =
  • Bug Fixed: Social menu padding issue
  • Bug Fixed: Layout issue in Fluid Layout with sidebar
  • Updated: Screenshot
= 1.1.1 (Released: July 25, 2017) =
  • Bug Fixed: Fitvid script not initialized
= 1.1 (Released: July 11, 2017) =
  • Bug Fixed: Breadcrumb custom post archive link (Reported by: leikela)
  • Bug Fixed: Latest post not showing on blog page (Reported by: leikela)
  • Bug Fixed: Social Menu not showing with Default menu type
  • Bug Fixed: Footer widget columns css
  • Bug Fixed: Padding issue in mobile devices for "No Sidebar:Full Width" template
  • Changed: Excerpt Length Default value to 30
  • Code Optimizations
  • Removed changelog.txt, moved changelog to readme file
= 1.0 (Released: June 08, 2017) =
  • Bug Fixed: Header Media Height issue when there is no text (Reported by: Dan)
  • Compatible with WordPress 4.8
= 0.2.2 =
  • Added: License information for html5 shiv and other selfshot images
  • Bug Fixed: Content width
  • Bug Fixed: Escaping issues in site-footer.php
  • Replaced: Default header image and screenshot
  • Removed: Unused images
= 0.2.1 =
  • Update screenshot
= 0.2 =
  • Added Theme Options
    • Excerpt Options: Read More Text and Excerpt Length
    • Homepage/Frontpage options
    • Pagination Options
  • Added Widgets
    • CT: Recent Posts
    • CT: Instagram
    • CT: Social Icons
  • Bug Fixed: Posts page style
  • Optimized JS delivery by adding min versions
= 0.1 =
  • Initial release

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