Not Done Yet!

TDU members speak out on continuing to build the momentum from the Teamsters United campaign. Teamsters are making plans to expand organizing committees, fight concessions, network in their areas, hold Teamsters United events and run for local office. Hear their ideas and share yours.


brooke-reeves-225.jpg"Teamsters United won 6 vice president spots—and we're not done yet. We've started a movement in the Teamsters. Everyone involved in this campaign should be proud of themselves. We worked hard for something we believe in. We have something Hoffa- Hall doesn't have—we have passion and dedication!"

  Brooke Reeves, Recording Secretary
  Local 251, Providence




tom-schlutow-2016-225.jpg"I'd like to thank all the campaigners throughout the country who gave up vacations and personal days to get the word out. This movement is here to stay. Our voice will be heard. I've started a Local 294 Teamsters United Facebook page and I will keep building the movement here in Albany and across Upstate New York." 

  Tom Schlutow, UPS
  Local 294, Albany, NY



Fernander-yrc-sm-225.jpeg"Fred Zuckerman and Teamsters United won Local 71 with more than 80% of the vote, and we're just getting started. The company thinks they can do whatever they want. In the Carolinas, we are going to keep standing up to the employers and fighting for the union we deserve. We're going to hold meetings and build TDU and Teamsters United."

  Jeff Fernander, YRC
  Local 71, Charlotte, NC



paul-kubal-2016-225.jpg"Fred Zuckerman and Teamsters United strengthened our fight against concessions in carhaul—and organizing against those concessions strengthened the Teamsters United campaign. I ran for the TDU Steering Committee to keep up the fight to win new leadership and to defend our union standards. I am TDU and Teamster proud."

  Paul Kubal, Jack Cooper
  Local 299, Detroit



Mario_Leyva_4-225.jpeg"We beat Tyson Johnson in his own local and turned the Southwest around in support of Fred Zuckerman and Teamsters United. In the Southwest, we want to keep building on our network to get more members involved and keep on building TDU and Teamsters United."

  Mario Leyva, UPS
  Local 745, El Paso




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