All posts in LGBT Media

September 27, 2004, No comments

Be sure to read columnist Charles Kaiser’s latest piece the Octrober 12th issue of The Advocate. Charles writes a great defense of outing, When Outing Works. Here are a few […]

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BLOG Active in the News

July 15, 2004, No comments

CHECK THIS OUT! How’s this for exposure for our campaign?! Mary Jacoby wrote a wonderful article, The Outing of Congress, in’s P ...


Jonathan Tolman, aide to Sen. James Inhofe

July 8, 2004, 8 Comments

Original Title: Coverboy in Today’s Roll Call REVEALED! WOW… Less than two weeks into our groundbreaking campaign, we’ve already got ...

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ACTION: Thank The Washington Blade. Editorial Board stands for truth!

July 7, 2004, 2 Comments

OK, Folks…Here’s our first easy to do action. Take a look at the Washington Blade’s editorial on lesbian and gay hill staffers and t ...

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    And the Press is Hot HOT HOT!
    July 7, 2004, No comments

    Friends… The gay press has really stepped up to the plate on this issue. Strong congratulations to the Washington Blade and the Gay City News for being on top of […]