- published: 01 Aug 2012
- views: 3972
Camping is a 1978 Dutch film directed bys Nolan Dow.
Camping w Rusałce był wówczas jeszcze campingiem otwartym ,100 m na prawo od niego zbudowano tuż nad brzegiem morza ,ogrodzony i z wartownią ,ośrodek dla Francuzów. Na naszym campingu naliczyłem może 8-10 namiotów, brak piachu odstraszał widocznie typowych wczasowiczów , tuż obok mieliśmy sklepik , restaurację z tarasem oraz czyste ,wyglazurowane i z ciepłą wodą prysznice oraz toalety i umywalki.By wejść na teren francuski należało okazać przepustkę.My oczywiście przepłynęliśmy wpław morzem i wylądowaliśmy na terenie Francuzów.Piękne domki ,korty tenisowe ,tereny rekreacyjne , kąpiele zdrowotne i inne wtedy bajerki.W rok później teren naszego campingu przerobiono na...nowe korty tenisowe lecz zejście do morza pozostało to samo. Byłem tam znowu dopiero w 1980.Restauracja pozost...
Family on holiday in a campsite in south of france
Tak to wtedy na campingach z namiotem wyglądało.Większość jechała jako ,,prywatne biuro podróży,, a gdy zbliżała się tzw. niewypłacalność ,nikt nie robił z tego szumu jak dziś ,po prostu ...powrót do kraju za resztę tego co zostało. Chociaż sprytni rodacy nawet sporo zarabiali na tych wycieczkach ,ja się w to bawić nie chciałem i nie musiałem .
Vídeo by Jason Advertencia: contiene imágenes fuertes
I 1978 - 1987, lå vi som fastligger på Urhøj camping. Dengang hed den Urhøjgård camping, men vi havde næsten 10 skønne år på pladsen. Jeg optog på videobånd en sæsonstart og jeg optog lidt fra en sommerfest og nu er der gået en menneske alder siden jeg optog disse film, så nu vil jeg offentliggøre dem og måske kan "gamle" Urhøj campister glæde sig og mindes tidligere tiders camping. Synes nogen at offentligørelsen er upassende, så send en mail til mig. Adressen står på min hjemmeside http://www.makril.dk.
12 juillet 1978 Abonnez-vous http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=inaactu
Es ist zwar nicht gut gelungen aber ich bin wenigstens 5 geworden.... Wenn euch das Video gefällt dann lasst doch einen Daumen nach oben da oder wenn ihr noch kein abo seit dann lasst doch ein abo da würde mich sehr freuen...danke.... Musik: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUJM3YR56wU
Join us as we start our two week camping trip in our Rpod 177 from Southern California to Central Oregon! We left our boat in Southern California and headed to Los Alamos Campground, then on to a Harvest Host winery in Lodi, CA ~ Van Ruiten. We featured Los Alamos Campground in our "Campground Fav" Series: https://youtu.be/LdTRlaoJbN4 http://www.recreation.gov/camping/pyramid-lake--los-alamos-campground/r/campgroundDetails.do?contractCode=NRSO&parkId;=72292 And Van Ruiten Winery in our Winery Camping video: https://youtu.be/zoWqQ4BuMp8 And Lodi Winery Destination: https://youtu.be/Fd5JNPVnKGs https://www.vrwinery.com/ Music: "Go" by Josh Woodward "Creative Commons Attribution music by Josh Woodward" GO https://www.joshwoodward.com/song/Go
Subscribe for new vlogs Monday-Friday! - http://bit.ly/subtymoss Buy Shirts, Hoodies and Bracelets!! - http://NoSleepTeam.com Camping List: Tent - http://amzn.to/1Nz1bSb Sleeping Bag - http://amzn.to/1PDVYXK Folding Shovel - http://amzn.to/1CHX8Y8 Fire Tender - http://amzn.to/1aKwEzd First Aid Kit - http://amzn.to/1CBR5p8 Axe - http://amzn.to/1Ev4nZf Survivor Knife with Fire Starter - http://amzn.to/1HkynYC Magnesium Fire Starter - http://amzn.to/1yoIGJI LED Flashlights - http://amzn.to/1Nz0ZT7 YouTube Channels: ➠ TY: http://youtube.com/tysiphonehelp ➠ GRAY: http://youtube.com/pirategray ⟶ Ty Moss ⟵ ‣Twitter: http://twitter.com/tymoss ‣Facebook: http://facebook.com/tymossfan ‣Instagram: http://instagram.com/tymoss ‣Website: http://tysiphonehelp.com/ ‣Google+: http://bit.ly/1di0Os0 ⟶ G...
In this video, my dog, Scout and I head to the forest to camp for the night. I carry everything in my Wildland scout pack. I cook steak over the fire, enjoy some cold brew, and have a good time. ThruNite Official Store: http//www.thrunite.com (to get 5% off by using a coupon "THRUNITE") Amazon US.: https://www.amazon.com/thrunite Amazon CA.: http://www.amazon.ca/shops/A1BNV2EQ2FFXQR Link to backpack. http://www.ynotmade.com/en/shop/?category=wildland_series&r;=EgGE Instagram https://instagram.com/joerobinetbushcraft/ Twitter https://twitter.com/Robinet_Joe
Come and join me inside my nomad tent and take in the mysterious, but soothing sounds of the woods. The bonfire is crackling and popping and if you want, you can roast your marshmallows in the fire. The warmth and ambient sounds make you sleepy and relaxed, and before you know it you'll be miles away in a deep deep sleep! I hope you enjoy this and besides sleep, this one is also well suited to use for studying or as a masking sound for background noise or tinnitus. I wish you the best virtual camping trip you can imagine and good night! :) You can find or contact me below! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/virtual_fireplace/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/virtualfireplace/?ref=hl Twitter: https://twitter.com/Virtl_Fireplace Tsu: http://www.tsu.co/VirtualFireplace For Licensi...
I take my 4 year old daughter out to the woods to camp overnight. We set up a tarp shelter, cook over a fire and hang in the hammock Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Joe-Robinet-Bushcraft-260005731008348/?ref=hl Instagram https://instagram.com/joerobinetbushcraft/ Twitter https://twitter.com/Robinet_Joe
Subscribe for new videos! - http://youtube.com/TyMoss #NoSleepTeam Shirts, Hoodies and Bracelets!! - http://NoSleepTeam.com Camping List: Iron Skillet - http://amzn.to/2dlb9el My Big Camping Knife - http://amzn.to/2e5b3cd Tent - http://amzn.to/1Nz1bSb Sleeping Bag - http://amzn.to/1PDVYXK Folding Shovel - http://amzn.to/1CHX8Y8 Fire Tender - http://amzn.to/1aKwEzd First Aid Kit - http://amzn.to/1CBR5p8 Axe - http://amzn.to/1Ev4nZf Survivor Knife with Fire Starter - http://amzn.to/1HkynYC Magnesium Fire Starter - http://amzn.to/1yoIGJI LED Flashlights - http://amzn.to/1Nz0ZT7 Subscribe to my tech YouTube channel - http://youtube.com/TysiHelp Follow me! Snapchat - TyMoss Twitter - http://twitter.com/tymoss Instagram - http://instagram.com/tymoss Facebook - http://facebook.com/tymossfan We...
2 night wild camping in my new canvas tent one night on the side of the river and one night in my woodland camp this is my longest video to date so hope you enjoy some nice food and Pmsl a apple pie I used my trypod a lot more this week and showed more of the camp
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Subscribe for new vlogs Monday-Friday! - http://bit.ly/subtymoss Buy #NoSleepTeam Shirts, Hoodies and Bracelets!! - http://NoSleepTeam.com YouTube Channels: TY: http://youtube.com/tysiphonehelp GRAY: http://youtube.com/pirategray ⟶ Ty Moss ⟵ Twitter: http://twitter.com/tymoss Snapchat: tymoss Facebook: http://facebook.com/tymossfan Instagram: http://instagram.com/tymoss Website: http://tymoss.com Google+: http://bit.ly/1di0Os0 ⟶ Grayson ⟵ Twitter: http://twitter.com/pirategrayson SnapChat: pirategrayson Instagram: http://instagram.com/pirategrayson Facebook: http://facebook.com/pirategrayson Website: http://pirategrayson.com
http://www.aktiv-camping.at Wintercamping in Tirol erfreut sich immer größerer Beliebtheit. Grund genug für den ZDF eine Reportage ( "Campen im Schnee - Nichts für Warmduscher") zu diesem Thema aufzuzeichnen. Schauplatz dieser Dreharbeiten war der Campingplatz Aktiv-Camping Prutz / Tirol (Österreich).