Trading the DAX and euro

Traders have focused on ECB president's Mario Draghi indicating there is an openness to boosting the stimulus program.
Traders have focused on ECB president's Mario Draghi indicating there is an openness to boosting the stimulus program. Jasper Juinen
by Alexandra Cain

The German stock market index the DAX – comprising the country's top 30 stocks – is the standout European bourse right now. At the same time, the euro has tanked.

This puts forward an interesting dynamic from which traders could profit. But it is important to understand what is driving equities and currency markets before expressing views through trading.

Gary Burton, market analyst with IG, says political events have driven the euro recently given the Italian referendum and the French election. This will continue into 2017 when Angela Merkel will again run for chancellor in the German elections. This will be a key trading theme next year.

The DAX reached a high in April 2015 of 12,398 points. Since then the index has eased back, and traders are providing strong buying support at 9000 points with, as Burton notes, the current rally consolidating over 10,000.

Jimmy Pan, market analyst at FP Markets, notes traders are focused on last month's European Central Bank meeting minutes. In the document ECB president Mario Draghi indicates an openness to boosting the current €1.7 trillion stimulus program to boost the euro zone's recovery.

"Inflation in the euro zone rose at its fastest pace in more than two years in October, which shows signs of improvement for euro zone economies. But the inflation rate is still below the ECB's target of 2 per cent," Pan says. "We also can't forget the Trump rally which pushed the DAX to 10800 points, widely seen as a key level to break for the index to go higher." Core European inflation excluding energy, food, alcohol and tobacco is sitting at 0.8 per cent.

Entering bull market

Marcus Christoe, head of banking and wealth management products at Citi, notes the index was one of the first European markets to erase its declines for this year, entering a bull market last month.

"Helping the positive story has been the strongest retail sales growth in more than two years and a better than expected decline in unemployment," he says.

In terms of the currency, Pan notes the euro has been under enormous pressure since Trump's election. He says the mood in markets has changed to a sell on rallies mentality, but the potential for a US rate rise in December is likely to push the US dollar higher.

"With rising bond yields in the US and the German/US yield spread hitting 10-year lows, we can see traders targeting €1.05."

However, Tim Muirhead, director of funds management business Arbidyne says there are a number of variables that have the potential to drive the euro lower before the end of the year that make it difficult to trade the currency. "Right now we are avoiding exposure to European indices."

He says continuing strength of US indices and the US dollar is likely to continue to pressure European markets.

Burton says one way to profit form the divergence of the DAX and the euro is to short the euro against the US dollar and place a long trade over the DAX index. "However, this can expose currency risk for the Australian-based trader holding a euro account."

He says a short euro against the Aussie dollar trade has technical resistance in play at €1.450, the lower part of the range may be tested at €1.410.

Buying opportunities

Although the DAX is in an upward trend, Pan notes there is a key resistance level at 10,824 points, achieved on October 25 this year, which needs to be broken before analysts consider the next resistance level at 11,000. 

"This current rally has been well supported, with traders buying in on dips with a close on the 10,800 level. If the market fails to push through this level and breaks below 10,600 we could see a shift in mentality with traders targeting the next support levels at 10,300 and 10,000," he says. These levels will provide buying opportunities for traders to get in, targeting 11,000 as an exit.

Since hitting a high in May, Pan notes the euro has been on a slippery downward trend, with key support levels continuously being tested and broken.

"The fundamentals [between the DAX and euro] have certainly supported a sell on rallies mentality, which doesn't look like changing anytime soon. Traders should look to the December Federal Open Market Committee meeting for clues on where the euro is going in 2017." 

Pan believes the euro will continue to be under pressure until then. "The next level will be  €1.05, and a move to parity should not be ruled out."

Profit from conditions

Christoe says traders wanting to profit from conditions in Europe that only wish to place a single transaction could go long the US dollar and short the euro.

He says this makes sense given US inflationary pressures are the main drivers behind both the direction of the DAX and euro. "The strong dollar is likely to drive further declines in the euro and gains in the DAX."

Another option is to go long German stocks via managed funds comprising either German or European securities, at the same time shorting the euro and buying US dollars via currency account. Traders who think the decline in the euro and gains in the US dollar might do the reverse and short the US dollar and buy the euro.

Christoe says for sophisticated clients, a structured investment with returns linked to either the outperformance of the DAX over the euro, or the euro over the DAX, may be an option. Structured investments can involve borrowing to invest.

With so many moving parts in financial markets there are many opportunities to express views over European currencies and indices. But in this environment it is an idea to keep a close eye on technical and fundamental indicators, and have stop losses in place, as conditions in markets can move very quickly.