- published: 13 Aug 2016
- views: 3885940
Clash Royale is a 2016 freemium mobile strategy video game developed and published by Supercell, a video game company based in Helsinki, Finland. The game was soft-launched in Canada, Hong Kong, Australia, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Finland and New Zealand for iOS platforms on January 4, 2016. More countries will be added in the near future as Supercell receives feedback about the game. The date for the game's release globally and on the Android platform is March 2016.
Clash Royale is a real-time strategy game where players collect and upgrade different cards that are based on characters from the Clash of Clans universe. Each card is unique, and you can only have 8 in a non deck at a time. They are used with the goal of destroying your opponent's towers. Victories lead to more cards, trophies and glory. Players can unlock new arenas, challenge other players online, and form clans to share cards and participate in private duels.
There are three main types of chests in Clash Royale. You get a free chest every four hours, but you can only store two of these at a time. They must be collected to activate the countdown timer for your next free chest. Crown chests are available every 24 hours. Crown chests offer free loot, cards and sometimes gems. To unlock them, you must earn 10 crowns in multiplayer battles. The final type of chests, treasure chests, come in three varieties: the silver chest, gold chest, and magical chest. These chests will be given to you whenever you win a battle (given that you have free chest slots available) and they can also be purchased using gems.
250,000 Dominoes - ISM: World Edition Behind the Scenes
250,000 Dominoes - Incredible Science Machine: World Edition
DRIVING A £250,000 CAR!!!
Поиск золота 250000 РУБЛЕЙ в МЕСЯЦ заработок кладоискателя ВСЯ ПРАВДА + металлодетектор на ХАЛЯВУ
Untamed Strength: A Walk Down Memory Lane - 250,000 Subscribers!
Россиянин выиграл €250,000 в Spin&Go; на PokerStars
250,000 Dollar Round of SnD
The official behind the scenes from the Incredible Science Machine World Edition. Watch the COMPLETE falldown w/ 250,000 dominoes here!! ►https://youtube.com/watch?v=k65OQpS93PE Playlist for all close ups, extras, ISM vlogs, and behind the scenes! ►http://bit.ly/Ism2k16/ Hey! I'm Hevesh5 and I am a professional Domino Artist. I design and build intricate domino setups and chain reactions for your entertainment and for commercial projects. Be sure to subscribe if you want to see more domino videos :) I usually upload on Saturday afternoons! http://bit.ly/SubH5 CONNECT WITH ME! Official Website ► http://hevesh5.com 2nd Channel ► http://youtube.com/hevesh5extras Instagram ► http://instagram.com/Hevesh5 Twitter ► http://twitter.com/Hevesh5 Facebook ► http://www.facebook.com/Hevesh5 H5 Shir...
Zeal Credit Union's Incredible Science Machine: World Edition Featuring a US record of 242,518 total dominoes toppled and a Guinness World Record for the Largest Domino Circle Field! 18 Builders from the US, Canada, Germany, and Austria spent 10 days building the Incredible Science Machine: World Edition, their 2nd annual event. The purpose of the event is to introduce chain reaction and domino building as a hobby and inspire kids' interest in STEM subjects. This year's theme incorporates the world's greatest cultures and has a domino and chain reaction section representing each continent. The chain reaction sections are risky by nature and during the live event some of them did not work. Luckily, backup pendulums are used to continue the action to the next section, so there were no brea...
Pokemon GO | WORLD RECORD 250,000 STARDUST SPREE! MAX LEVEL POKEMON! New Highest Level CP Pokemon On My Team! Level 25 Gameplay Levelling Up With Lucky Egg! ► SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/1JXQyHz ► TWITTER: http://bit.ly/1ZAFvGe ► FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Themasterov ► INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/23ebnVG ►GET FREE GEMS, MEDALLIONS, ITUNES & ANDROID CARDS HERE: http://m.freemyapps.com/share/url/masterov ►About Me: http://bit.ly/15xEg69 ►Want To Send Me Stuff!? Here Is My Address: MasterOv Unit 2 Calcote Farm Coate, Devizes SN103LP ►Music By MDK! - https://www.youtube.com/user/MDKOfficialYT ►Music By NCS! - https://www.youtube.com/user/NoCopyrightSounds
► DRIVING A £250,000 CAR!!! ► PB Merchandise • http://bit.ly/NewPBMerch ► PB Merchandise • http://bit.ly/NewPBMerch ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ • Snapchat • • PointlessBlog ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ • My Links: Main Channel • http://youtube.com/pointlessblog Gaming Channel • http://youtube.com/AlfieGames Twitter • http://twitter.com/pointlessblog Facebook • http://fb.com/PointlessBlogTv Tumblr • http://pointlessblogtv.tumblr.com SnapChat • PointlessBlog ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ • Contact • Enquiries@PointlessBlog.co.uk --------------------------------------------------------...
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Buy "Bubble Gum Girl" on iTunes now: http://apple.co/2dfT9wV MY NEW APP: Justice Monster Shuffle https://appsto.re/us/PCbveb.i Song I used here : https://youtu.be/Eb3IzbeG_5A MARKS CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpqTJOpIMQXxDc373QA3_uQ VLOG HERE- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9n1Hci9Pwla-xjlMNmqnKg My Links: Merch : http://www.merchjunkie.com/nick-bean.html Instagram- http://instagram.com/itsnickbean/ Twitter- https://twitter.com/ItsNickBean Snapchat- itsnickbean Younow - http://www.younow.com/Itsnickbean www.itsnickbean.com I broadcast everyday on Younow! Come watch :) funny musically musical.ly bathtub insane
Clash Royale 250,000 GEMS TOURNAMENT CHEST (15,000 CARDS) | Clash Royal NEW TOURNEY UPDATE 2016 GAMEPLAY REVEALED Sneak Peek (Developer iPad Footage) + New Legendary Cards / Hidden Bonus Secret Features | All Maxed Level Legendary Card Troll Deck | Subscribe for more Clash Royale Strategy Tips Clash Royale Free Gems: http://abo.io/Gan http://bit.ly/HowToGetFreeGems To Join My Tournament (Friday July 8 11:59PM EST): Make Sure To Follow my Mobcrush Stream: http://bit.do/GanStream - More Details To Follow Best Decks For Any Arena Levels 1-8: http://bit.do/BestClashRoyaleDecks Support me on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/ClashOnGan Chat with me: http://tiny.cc/kymp0x (Join #ClashRoyaleTourney) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- About Clash Ro...
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Yo gotti & Blac Youngsta Speak On Shy Glizzy Chain & Count 250,000 In Interview With Breakfast Club.
Pokemon GO | WORLD RECORD 250,000 STARDUST SPREE! MAX LEVEL POKEMON! New Highest Level CP Pokemon On My Team! Level 25 Gameplay Levelling Up With Lucky Egg! ► SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/1JXQyHz ► TWITTER: http://bit.ly/1ZAFvGe ► FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Themasterov ► INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/23ebnVG ►GET FREE GEMS, MEDALLIONS, ITUNES & ANDROID CARDS HERE: http://m.freemyapps.com/share/url/masterov ►About Me: http://bit.ly/15xEg69 ►Want To Send Me Stuff!? Here Is My Address: MasterOv Unit 2 Calcote Farm Coate, Devizes SN103LP ►Music By MDK! - https://www.youtube.com/user/MDKOfficialYT ►Music By NCS! - https://www.youtube.com/user/NoCopyrightSounds
Watch the finale unfold as the 4 teams that qualified battle for their share of $250,000 dollars in Hearthstone! -- Watch live at http://www.twitch.tv/amazhs
Watch the finale unfold as the 4 teams that qualified battle for their share of $250,000 dollars in Hearthstone!
It's the Major everyone has been waiting for! The top sixteen teams from around the world compete for their chance at $250,000 and the title of ESL One Cologne 2015 Champions. See who makes it to the top! Watch more Counter-Strike action here: https://www.youtube.com/user/esltv/playlists?shelf_id=25&view;=50&sort;=dd ESL One Counter-Strike: Global Offensive August 20th-23rd 2015 Cologne, Germany http://www.esl-one.com Follow us for schedule updates, giveaways, and more! http://www.twitter.com/esl http://www.facebook.com/esl theScore eSports is your destination for full live scoring, stats and news for CS:GO! Real-time scores, standings, stats and leaders for CS:GO at ESL One Cologne and every major CS:GO league & tournament. Combined with our breaking news and detailed push alerts, the...
Watch the finale unfold as the 4 teams that qualified battle for their share of $250,000 dollars in Hearthstone! -- Watch live at http://www.twitch.tv/amazhs
Watch the finale unfold as the 4 teams that qualified battle for their share of $250,000 dollars in Hearthstone! -- Watch live at http://www.twitch.tv/amazhs