Federal Politics

One Nation senators Pauline Hanson and Rod Culleton meet to heal rift

One Nation has moved to quell a damaging rift between leader Pauline Hanson and West Australian senator Rod Culleton, with the pair appearing to bury the hatchet in an hour-long meeting on Wednesday, despite a bit of "smoke".

Senator Hanson had demanded her colleague "explain his position" after he wrote a letter to a Cairns magistrate that has been referred to police by Queensland Attorney-General Yvette D'Ath as a potential attempt to pervert the course of justice.

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One on one with Rod Culleton

In an extended interview with Fairfax Media, the One Nation MP talks about his job as a Senator, his relationship with Pauline Hanson and future with the party.

A confident Senator Culleton emerged from the meeting to declare there was no tension within the party and that he had his Queensland leader's full support, while Senator Hanson said she was satisfied with the talks. "We are very united, we are a team," she said.

Senator Culleton said he and Senator Hanson had "a good chat", denying there had ever been any tension - although he described her first look as "singeing" and later said she had been "a little bit patronising".

He said his boss's concerns about the letter were allayed when he showed her the original copy. "She said: 'That is a storm in a tea cup', and I said: 'Exactly'."

". . . She agrees that I am a well-oiled machine. I said to her: 'As you know when I go sailing, I don't sail between two points, I tack - and many American Cups have been won by tacking.


"The only thing I was disappointed in was I didn't get offered a cup of tea or a biscuit, but that didn't even worry me, because I already had one."

But the path to reconciliation was not all smooth sailing, with the pair failing to attend a planned meeting on Tuesday night and then playing chicken on Wednesday. Senator Culleton's arrival at a White Ribbon breakfast coincided with Senator Hanson's departure, a situation which repeated itself hours later when Senator Culleton, media pack in tow, arrived at a parliamentary barbecue from one entrance, while Senator Hanson left by another.

Senator Culleton said he had hoped to have a chat with his party leader over a sausage sizzle. When that failed, he called her and the pair met for an hour, alone, in Senator Hanson's office.

He said the absence of communication between the pair was about Senator Hanson "giving me space" to deal with the High Court challenge to his eligibility to sit in Parliament, in which he is representing himself.

Senator Culleton also tried to brush aside a feud with Senator Hanson's chief-of-staff James Ashby, declaring it was a "storm in a teacup" and they would be "moving on".

The rift had echoes of the party's downfall in Queensland in 1998 when six of its 11 MPs quit before the next election. Also on Wednesday, the four One Nation senators split over an amendment to the Turnbull government's superannuation reforms. NSW's Brian Burston and Senator Culleton voted against the amendment, which Senator Hanson and fellow Queensland senator Malcolm Roberts supported.

Senator Culleton told Fairfax Media he intended to remain with One Nation unless he was forced to quit. "I'm not going to do that unless I'm asked to leave," he said. He revealed "a number of people from all walks of life" had approached him about defecting, but would not give details.

But he did not rule out voting separately from the party on the Turnbull government's ABCC bill, which Senator Hanson has said she would support. "We can never come together and be seen as a bloc. Sometimes senators will vote in a different direction," he said.