Anarchist Affinity


Anarchist Affinity is a small group based in Melbourne, Australia. Follow us for news on actions in Melbourne and Victoria, and see our website for more info.

Melbourne, Australia
Joined November 2012

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  1. Chanting "Hey ho, Bendigo! has got to go!"

  2. Getting ready to move off against the

  3. Gathering up at Bendigo Trades Hall. Against the

  4. Hi all, we're in supporting the rally against the . Stay tuned for the odd tweet during the day.

  5. Retweeted

    Whether the child raped was 5 or 10 Nauru is still a disgraceful, unsafe hell hole.

  6. . are nothing but left cover for murder.

  7. Great turnout at rally at State Library, now let's build for direct action to stop removals to

  8. Retweeted

    an opinion piece that may be of interest.

  9. Retweeted
  10. We hope to have a short video of rally footage up in the next day or so.

  11. Retweeted

    We are holding the corner of Swanston and Flinders - always was always will be Day

  12. Retweeted
  13. Follow for tweets from the rally in

  14. Retweeted

    Speeches and rally still hasn't kicked off here in Canberra. Crowd still gathering.

  15. Retweeted

    Melbs - turning out a massive crowd on a beautiful day

  16. Anarchist Affinity followed , and
    • @stephenjolly99

      Socialist, Councillor City of Yarra, Manchester United fan, construction worker

    • @Holly_PTW

      Director of Plan to Win: social movement education, facilitation and mentoring. Co-convenor of and Melbourne Campaigners' Network.

  17. rally heading down St, better thanthe rally!

  18. rally now at corner Bourke and Swanston, paradw route...

  19. rally marching down Bourke Street

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