Anarchist Discussion Meeting: The Necessity of Organised Anarchism

Organize 2

30th July
The New International Bookshop
54 Victoria St, Carlton

Anarchism has always been a minority current in Australia. Over the last 50 years there’s been plenty of anarchist involvement in political activism, but not much understanding (in the general public, and even within the scene) as to what we’ve really been doing. Anarchist actions for too long have proved ephemeral, doing worthwhile things without building a movement.

Come along for a discussion of how and why anarchists should organise.

Check out the facebook event page here.


Anarchist Affinity holds monthly discussion meetings on various topics. We hope to encourage greater discussion amongst anarchists and others interested in social justice and anti-capitalist ideas about strategy, tactics and political ideas.

One thought on “Anarchist Discussion Meeting: The Necessity of Organised Anarchism

  1. Would it be possible that some follow-up text, in relation to the meetings, be published here on this website? Whether it be a summation of the evening in general, or a summary (or the actual text) of a main speaker, or even a post-meeting reflection upon the general discussion and the outcomes and open questions which the discussion raised.

    Such a follow-up would allow those of us who are unable to attend the meetings to also benefit from, and find encouragement in, the greater discussion. It might also give a greater focus upon the topics, for those who were able to attend, to reflect back upon.

    The topic of ‘organised action’ is probably the most pressing issue facing ALL on the genuine anti-capitalist left at this time (and for the long-term future as well); and the more open that these discussions are pushed to prominence the more likely a greater Solidarity of real collective action can start to take effect.

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