VIDEO of the #thamluang #thaicaverescue boys in hospital - distributed by the Thai Government - has been released. Wow.
PM Malcolm Turnbull live
Peter Dutton, conservative champion.

This is absolutely fascinating.

Avantgardens added 27 new photos to the album: What the World Eats.

What the World Eats - Families with their weekly stash of food.
American photographer Peter Menzel and writer Faith D’Aluisio have traveled the world that most basic of human behaviors—what we eat. Their project, “Hungry Planet,” depicts everything that an average family consumes in a given week—and what it costs.

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The trail of destruction laid down by a tsunami is, in a way, like a bushfire – one house or one village can escape unharmed while the next village or even the next house can be smashed.
The pattern is nothing like the recent earthquakes in Palu and Lombok, which shook, damaged or destroyed just about everything in proximity to the epicentre.
So it is that the Tanjung Lesung Beach Resort - which I visited on Monday morning - lies in ruins, its guests dead, injured or missing while others have escaped with their lives and homes intact.|By James Massola
Authorities pull corpses from a cellar at one Javanese beach resort, while other places are completely unscathed by the tsunami's random acts of destruction.