Event – Invasion Day: Australia’s Colonial Past and Present

6:30pm, January 22, New International Bookshop (Victorian Trades Hall, 54 Victoria St, Carlton)


Australia has a long history of colonialism, racism, and genocide. It’s a history that is whitewashed and denied in favour of the narrative we’re presented with each year on ‘Australia Day’, or what should be more accurately titled Invasion Day.

Join Anarchist Affinity on Thursday 22nd at the New International Bookshop to hear from two speakers on the real history behind Invasion Day and what it means today.

The two speakers will be followed by a Q and A session.


Vivian Malo – Vivian Malo is a Gooniyandi woman and co-founder of First Nations Liberation, a resistance movement and Black Power revival.

Tony Birch – Indigenous academic, novelist and historian

Check out the facebook event page here.

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Anarchist Affinity holds monthly discussion meetings on various topics. We hope to encourage greater discussion amongst anarchists and others interested in social justice and anti-capitalist ideas about strategy, tactics and political ideas.

Melbourne Anarchist Bookfair on this weekend!

Bookfair poster

The 4th Melbourne Anarchist Bookfair is on this Saturday the 9th of August!

The Anarchist Bookfair has become the biggest anarchist event in Melbourne, bringing together anarchists and other social and environmental justice activists to share ideas and strategies each year.

It is held at the Abbotsford Convent (1 St Heliers St, Abbotsford) from 10-6pm.

There will be over 40 anarchist and other activist stalls at the Bookfair this year. Anarchist Affinity will be having a stall. Come along and say hello, browse our zines and books, and find out about future events and actions!

There will also be 14 workshops on different topics throughout the day. You can see the schedule here.

Anarchist Affinity members will be speaking at workshops on:
‘Workers Power and Radical Labour Struggles’
‘Reclaiming Education from Neoliberalism’
‘Welfare Cuts and Collective Resistance’

Some of the other workshops worth checking out include:
‘Intersectional Feminism’
‘Fighting Operation Sovereign Borders’
‘First Nations Liberation. Decolonising NOW!’
‘What is Anarchism?’
‘Consent workshop with Undercurrent Victoria’
‘Anarchist Parenting’
‘Rise of Fascism in Europe and Australia’

For more info on the Bookfair, check out….

The Melbourne Anarchist Bookfair website

The facebook event page

The event’s safer spaces policy