Paris Commune

An Interview with Karl Marx

A reporter for the New York World interviews Karl Marx in 1871 about the goals and organizational methods of the First International.

La interna milito en Francujo: Karlo Markso

Teksto per Karlo Markso pri la fondis de la Pariza Komunumo kaj la destruado de la urbon per le Francujo registaro.

La Pariza Komunumo: Petro Kropotkin

kunveno de la Pariza komunumo

Eseo de Petro Kropotkin pri la Pariza Komunumo de 1871.

Review: Lissagaray's Geschichte der Commune von 1871 - August Bebel

Bebel reviews Lissagaray's book on the Commune. A critique of the Commune, the weakness of socialism in France.

The Paris Commune: revolution and counterrevolution in Paris in 1870-1871

This is a draft translation in English of the book "La Commune de Paris – Révolution et contre-révolution à Paris en 1870-1871" in its first publication in French in 2011 under the name "Des Communards".

The Rebel Chronicles #1: The Paris Commune

This is the first episode of The Rebel Chronicles, a short podcast taking a look at revolutionary history. In this first episode, I investigate The Paris Commune.

How the Paris Communards made their lives luxurious

Paris Communards

An interview about the Paris Communards' ideas about changing the world. From People & Nature

Vanguard (Vol. 2, No. 2, April 1935)

The April 1935 issue of Vanguard, an anarchist journal published out of New York, with articles by Sam Dolgoff, Erich Mühsam, Sidney Solomon, and Abe Bluestein.

Vanguard (Vol. 1, No. 7, April 1933)

The April 1933 issue of Vanguard, an anarchist journal published out of New York.