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PALESTINE: PA Mass Arrests Include Democracy Activists

By: Linah Alsaafin. posted on Fri, Dec 21.

Hamas has seen a boost in its popularity in both the West Bank and Gaza after its declared victory over Israel’s eight-day offensive in Gaza last month. The Fatah-backed Palestinian Authority in the West Bank even granted permission for Hamas to hold its annual anniversary rallies for the first time since 2007, which encouraged prospects of ending the division to be seen as more feasible than before

Dissolve the Palestinian Authority – Manifesto

from: Dissolve the Palestinian Authority
Palestinians join with the people of Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen, Libya, and Algeria in demanding the ouster of its Western Puppets and Strongmen, the Palestinian Authority. Read the rest of this entry

Abbas – Israeli Man in Ramallah

By  |Published July 18, 2012

Since his bid for statehood ended at the UN last September, Mahmoud Abbas, president of the Palestinian Authority, has become strictly an enforcer of the occupation. Read the rest of this entry